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Exodia the Appropriate One

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This is all about Exodia and how to draw him A! S! A! P! Level 4's with high attack might be good with an offensive Exodia deck. I did not use or try to make a Defensive Exodia deck. Cards (namely Red Dragon Archfiend) nowadays will make mincemeat of my Defense Position monsters. Witch of the Black Forest (which is banned by the way) is next to garbage. I planned to put a bunch of useless normal Monsters, but I then I found out they were useless and hindered my chances of drawing the useful EFFECT Monsters.


This layout is what my deck will look like (I'm still waiting for my pieces to ship >_>. Hopefully I'll get them this week...). It is based off of the card Appropriate. Trying to limit the monsters though. This deck is mostly depends on my traps and spell cards.


Monsters (19)

Exodia the Forbidden One

Left Arm of the Forbidden One

Right Arm of the Forbidden One

Left Leg blah blah blah

Right Leg blah blah blah

Emissary of the Afterlife

Emissary of the Afterlife

Emissary of the Afterlife

Deep Diver

Deep Diver

Destiny Hero- Defender

Destiny Hero- Defender

Destiny Hero- Defender

Chainsaw Insect

Chainsaw Insect

Chainsaw Insect

Bistro Butcher

Bistro Butcher

Sangan (of course!)


Spell (13):

Cup of Ace (With Appropriate, Heads or Tails, you draw two cards)

Cup of Ace

Cup of Ace

Second Coin Toss

Second Coin Toss

Dark Factory of Mass Production

Dark Factory of Mass Production

Dark Factory of Mass Production

Dark World Dealings

Dark World Dealings

Magical Mallet

Magical Mallet

Monster Reincarnation


Traps (8 ):

Appropriate (duh!)



Backup Soldier

Backup Soldier

Wall of Revealing Light

Magic Jammer

Dark Bribe


Side Deck (if you use them, I don't):

Exodia Necross

Contract with Exodia

Contract with Exodia

Monster Resurrection

3-5 Counter Cards (ex. more Magic Jammers, Seven Tools of the Bandit, etc.)

Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord (This guy will help me win if my Exodia cards are swamped but he's hard to come by)

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This is all about Exodia and how to draw him A! S! A! P! Level 4's with high attack might be good with an offensive Exodia deck. I did not use or try to make a Defensive Exodia deck. Cards (namely Red Dragon Archfiend) nowadays will make mincemeat of my Defense Position monsters. Witch of the Black Forest (which is banned by the way) is next to garbage. I planned to put a bunch of useless normal Monsters' date=' but I then I found out they were useless and hindered my chances of drawing the useful EFFECT Monsters.


This layout is what my deck will look like (I'm still waiting for my pieces to ship >_>. Hopefully I'll get them this week...). It is based off of the card Appropriate. Try to limit your monsters though. This deck is mostly depends on your traps and spell cards.


Monsters (19)

Exodia the Forbidden One

Left Arm of the Forbidden One

Right Arm of the Forbidden One

Left Leg blah blah blah

Right Leg blah blah blah

Emissary of the Afterlife

Emissary of the Afterlife

Emissary of the Afterlife

Deep Diver

Deep Diver

Destiny Hero- Defender

Destiny Hero- Defender

Destiny Hero- Defender

Chainsaw Insect

Chainsaw Insect

Chainsaw Insect

Bistro Butcher

Bistro Butcher

Sangan (of course!)


Spell (13):

Cup of Ace (With Appropriate, Heads or Tails, you draw two cards)

Cup of Ace

Cup of Ace

Second Coin Toss

Second Coin Toss

Dark Factory of Mass Production

Dark Factory of Mass Production

Dark Factory of Mass Production

Dark World Dealings

Dark World Dealings

Magical Mallet

Magical Mallet

Monster Resurrection


Traps (8 ):

Appropriate (duh!)



Backup Soldier

Backup Soldier

Wall of Revealing Light

Magic Jammer

Dark Bribe


Side Deck (if you use them, I don't):

Exodia Necross

Contract with Exodia

Contract with Exodia

Monster Resurrection

3-5 Counter Cards (ex. more Magic Jammers, Seven Tools of the Bandit, etc.)

Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord (This guy will help me win if my Exodia cards are swamped but he's hard to come by)



I actually like this build quite alot.

A few changes though.

-2 Second Coin Toss (with appropriate, this is useless)

+2 Dark Bribe (with appropriate this is practically broken)


-2 Back Up Soldier

- Magic Jammer

+ Dark Worl Dealings (more mill. Get 2 Cards when from appropriate. Drop Broww for it and you have a +1)

+ 2 Broww Hunstman of Darkworld (works great with Dealings. Possibly drop 1 though)


I'd also try to fit in a way to use Upstart Goblin.

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I actually like this build quite alot.

A few changes though.

-2 Second Coin Toss (with appropriate' date=' this is useless)

+2 Dark Bribe (with appropriate this is practically broken)


-2 Back Up Soldier

- Magic Jammer

+ Dark Worl Dealings (more mill. Get 2 Cards when from appropriate. Drop Broww for it and you have a +1)

+ 2 Broww Hunstman of Darkworld (works great with Dealings. Possibly drop 1 though)


I'd also try to fit in a way to use Upstart Goblin.



I'd going to pretty much ditto that statement. Back-up soldier is the only thing that I would try to keep, but I have no idea what else you would remove instead.

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Second Coin Toss is for Cup of Ace. Cup of Ace allows you to flip a coin: Heads, you draw two cards. Tails, your opponent draws two cards. But with Appropriate, either way I would draw two cards, so yeah, I'll probably get rid of it.


Dark Bribe is not broken with Appropriate because the last effect is "Your opponent draws 1 card." Therefore with Appropriate active, I draw two cards.


Backup Soldier is used when my Arms and Legs are in the Graveyard, though Dark Factory of Mass Production could be better than Backup Soldier. Monster Resurrection is for Exodia.


Dekoichi. I was thinking about adding two or three Dekoichi. Thanks!

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My responses are in BOLD.


Second Coin Toss is for Cup of Ace. Cup of Ace allows you to flip a coin: Heads' date=' you draw two cards. Tails, your opponent draws two cards. But with Appropriate, either way I would draw two cards, so yeah, I'll probably get rid of it. [b']Add a pair of Hand Destruction. This gives you 4 more cards total with its effect.[/b]


Dark Bribe is not broken with Appropriate because the last effect is "Your opponent draws 1 card." Therefore with Appropriate active, I draw two cards. I think broken in this case means it's easily able to be abused. Add three Dark Bribe.


Backup Soldier is used when my Arms and Legs are in the Graveyard, though Dark Factory of Mass Production could be better than Backup Soldier. Monster Resurrection is for Exodia.

There is no such card as Monster Resurrection. It's MONSTER REINCARNATION


Dekoichi. I was thinking about adding two or three Dekoichi. Thanks!

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Second Coin Toss is for Cup of Ace. Cup of Ace allows you to flip a coin: Heads' date=' you draw two cards. Tails, your opponent draws two cards. But with Appropriate, either way I would draw two cards, so yeah, I'll probably get rid of it.


Dark Bribe is not broken with Appropriate because the last effect is "Your opponent draws 1 card." Therefore with Appropriate active, I draw two cards.


Backup Soldier is used when my Arms and Legs are in the Graveyard, though Dark Factory of Mass Production could be better than Backup Soldier. Monster Resurrection is for Exodia.


Dekoichi. I was thinking about adding two or three Dekoichi. Thanks!



Either you misunderstand the term "broken" or you weren't paying attention with that second point.


I agree with Hand Destruction. It can ruin opponent's plans while giving you a +1 with Appropriate. However, if you get milled somehow and you'll deck out before Exodia, you might want Pot of Avarice. Just Side-Deck PoA.

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First off, use this format. Just easier on the eyes.


Monsters (19)

Exodia +Limbs x5

Emissary of the Afterlife x3

Deep Diver x2

Destiny Hero- Defender x3

Chainsaw Insect x3

Bistro Butcher x2

Sangan x1


Spell (13):

Cup of Ace x3

Second Coin Toss x2

Dark Factory of Mass Production x3

Dark World Dealings x2

Magical Mallet x2

Monster Resurrection x1


Traps (8 ):

Appropriate x3

Backup Soldier x2

Wall of Revealing Light x1

Magic Jammer x1

Dark Bribe x1




Now, for my fixes.



Monsters (20)

Exodia +Limbs x5

Emissary of the Afterlife x3

Deep Diver x2

Destiny Hero- Defender x3

Chainsaw Insect x3

Cat of Ill Omen x2

Sangan x1


Spell (12):

Cup of Ace x3

Hand Destruction x3

Dark Factory of Mass Production x2

Dark World Dealings x2

Magical Mallet x2


Traps (9):

Appropriate x3

Dark Bribe x3

Royal Oppression x2

Mirror Force x1


Cards I removed (9):

Second Coin Toss x2

Magic Jammer x1

Backup Soldier x2

Wall of Revealing Light x1

Bistro Butcher x2

Monster Resurrection x1




Now, for my reasonings.


[spoiler= Cards in deck]

Cat of Ill Omen x2= You need a reliable way to search out Appropriate. Helpfully, can also nab Oppression.

Hand Destruction x3 - Instant 4 cards with Appropriate, and instant 2 without.

Dark Factory of Mass Production x(3-1)2 - Removed 1 because 3 is overkill. Two is satisfactory for a Deck like this, and it doesn't help you draw anything, so its dead weight if you haven't lost an exodia piece.

Dark Bribe x(2+1)3 Awesome card without Appropriate, ridiculously useful card WITH Appropriate. Not using 3 is practically criminal.

Royal Oppression x2 Useful tech in any Deck that doesn't special summon, helps avoid you dying to swarm decks. Can be searched by cat.

Mirror Force x1 Useful attack stopping card. You might want to exchange it for 2 Threatening Roars, or maybe even Wabaku. Also counters Swarm.



[spoiler= Cards I removed]

Second Coin Toss x2 - Useless with Appropriate.

Magic Jammer x1 - Outclassed by Dark Bribe.

Backup Soldier x2 - Overkill with Dark Factory.

Wall of Revealing Light x1 - Cost is too high to justify its inclusion. Threatening Roar and Mirror force are almost always better.

Bistro Butcher x2 - Outclassed by Chainsaw Insect, gives the opponent 2 cards instead of 1.

Monster Resurrection x1 - Assuming you mean Reincarnation, superfluous as the likelyhood of you losing Exodia's head is unlikely. If you're REALLY scared of that happening, replace the Dark Factories with Backup Soldiers.



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+ 2 Maybe d draw


Rule of thumb for cards like D-Draw and Trade-in is to have at the very least, 2 targets for every 1 copy you put in, some people go as far as 3 targets.


If you wanted to go with D-Draw, I'd also add in at least 2 Diamond Dudes. While he doesn't help exodia directly, he helps to mill the deck, plus he can help you draw quicker.

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+ 2 Maybe d draw


Rule of thumb for cards like D-Draw and Trade-in is to have at the very least' date=' 2 targets for every 1 copy you put in, some people go as far as 3 targets.


If you wanted to go with D-Draw, I'd also add in at least 2 Diamond Dudes. While he doesn't help exodia directly, he helps to mill the deck, plus he can help you draw quicker.



Except if one of the pieces of exodia is the card on top of the deck, then it gets to go to the bottom :/ D-Dude is not the best card for this deck because of the huge risk that one of the pieces of Exodia could be the top card.


These are the suggestions I would go with so far, and be sure to change the original post so that people don't keep making the same suggestions. Even if you do not have the cards change the original post so you know what you are building towards.


-1 DFoMP

-2 Second Coin Toss

-2 Bistro Butcher

-1 Wall of Revealing Light

-1 Magic Jammer

-1 Monster Reincarnation

-1 Back-up Soldier


+2 Dark Bribe (with Appropriate it's a +1)

+2 Dark Eruption (better than Reincarnation and 2 back-up in this case, can get any Exodia part with no cost)

+1 DWD

+1-2 Broww, Hunstman of Darkworld

+2 Hand Destruction (obviously only activate when you have Appropriate)

+0-1 Mystic Tomato (search Sangan or Emissary for quicker retrieval)


That's what I got. That should help the deck, but please update the original post, otherwise you will continue to get the same changes over and over again.

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