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★ 5 Star Celebration Card! ★

☆ Master Sami ☆

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[align=center]YAY! 5 Stars! So I decided to make this card's effect unique, and I think I have done it! The most unique effect I have ever seen! I always loved being 5 Stars so this is a Special Celebration. Meaning start making me some Gifts!





[spoiler=[b]English Lore[/b]]

This monster is not treated as a DARK monster while face-up on the Field, this monster is also treated as a Fiend-Type monster while face-up on the Field. Once per turn, toss a coin and call Heads or Tails, if you call right, you take 1000 damage, if you call wrong, you gain 1000 Life Points. As long as this card is face-up on the Field, any damage dealt to either player is negated and that player gains the same amount of Life Points, and any Life Points gained by either player is negated and that player takes the same amount as damage.


[spoiler=[b]Japanese Lore[/b]]

このモンスターは暗いモンスターとしてまた魔神タイプモンスターとして分野で上向き間分野で上向き、このモンスター間扱われる扱われない。 間違って呼べば正しく呼べば一度回転ごとに、硬貨を投げれば、頭部を呼びなさい尾、1000に損傷を、得る1000年の生命ポイントを取る。 このカードが分野で上向きである限り、対処されるどちらかのプレーヤーへのどの損傷でも否定され、生命の同量が、およびどちらかのプレーヤーが得るどの生命ポイントでも否定され、指すそのプレーヤーは損傷と同量を取るそのプレーヤーの利益。





-The Image is by PakstraX.

-The Advanced Holo and Gold Sticker are by me.

-The Japanese Version is by me.




Please Comment And Rate :D (Note COMMENT is before RATE, no Spam rates please >.>)[/align]

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Good card, the image looks pretty nice, the OCG is fine (Field = field), and the effect is creative.


The last sentence doesn't make too much sense though, I know what you are trying to do, but it just contradicts itself. Also, if it is not treated as a DARK monster, I would either state what it is treated as, or that it is treated as having no Attribute.


I don't know how playable this card would be, or if it would be worth it, just to inflict of gain Life Points. The reversal effect doesn't really seem necessary, just simplify it.


By the way, congratulations on 5 stars.



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idk where these 8.5, and 7.5/10'z are coming from this card is perfect in every way ocg is GReat, pic is Amazing x97, the effect is very creative, only one problem.....i actually agree with Bengal....but i still giv it a 9.99999999/10


gratz on 5 star u lucky bum...lol jk

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