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Gone & Hunger

Necro Pheonix

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very well, for any one that hasnt read 1 or both and doesnt wish to know, dont click the spoilers

[spoiler=Plot for Gone]

on an ordinary day in Perdido Beach Sam and his best Friend Quinn are sitting in class when their teacher and 1 15 year old kid in their class disapear. As they try to find where they went the see Astrid, the shool Genius. They then find out that everyone over the age of 15 disapeared. As Sam, Quinn, and Astrid are walking in town, they meet up with Edilio, a kid from school, while there is chaos amongst town. They then see a burning building with a small kid trapped inside. Sam , who years ago saved a bus of kids when the driver had a heart attack, rushes in to save the kid. When he reaches the little girl, she shoots flames out of her hand at Sam. In defence and Confusion, sam unknowingly launches a similare green beam at the girl, which ends up killing her (epic fail). Without telling anyone about what happend with the beams Sam sais the girl was already dead. Then Cain and other Kids from a reformatory school in town show up and Cain wins over the town with some sweet talking. With him are Drake, a bloodthirsty goon, Diana, a smart girl who is cains right hand girl, and Jack, a computer Geek. They then find out they are trapped in a barrier of sorts, and that everyone who turns 15 disapears. They decide to call it the FAYZ In the Meantime, Lana, a girl from a city sent to stay with her grandfather in Perdido Beach, is hurt when her uncle disapears while driving his truck. Lana and her dog , Patrick, are trapped underneath the ntruck whenLana discovers she has healing powers. She is then taken captive a a coyote that can talk that calls himself Pack Leader. Pack Leader takes Lana to a mysterious being call The Darkness. Lana escapes to Perdido beach. Then, while the story goes on, Cain is revealed to be evil, Quinn betrays sam, and a huge battle is fought with plenty of twists.




After Cain wakes up from his Coma after coming back from the darkness he says he has a plan. Meanwhile Sam, and co. Continue their duties of Leading the town. Sam is getting Fed up with all the useless complaints he has to deal with. Food is running out, everyone is resorting to eat canned spinach and cabbage and canned gravy for their meals. While trying to solve their problems they find abnout zekes, mutated worms that can borogh into huiman flesh, gurading a cabbage field. Meanwhile, Duck Zhang, an ordinary kid finds out he has powers when he sinks through the bottom of a pool. all the kids without powers then declare war on the kids with powers, thinking that they are all bad. Now, all the normal kids are hunting down and killing all other kids with powers. Cain then takes over the power plant, controlling Perdido Beachs electricity. Sam and friends go to fight cain and the Darkness. While the battle is fought, things you never thought would happen, do.



I didnt put in a lot of things, but i didnt really want to type more.

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You should have at least separated them into paragraphs and used proper grammar and punctuation.


But yes' date=' please summarize it even further.



This is the internet. You cannot count on people to use correct grammar, spelling, and use paragraphs.

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That is kinda a stupid idea for a book.


Most books (at the base) have terribly stupid or cliche sounding ideas. Its up to the author to be able to make it unique and worth reading.


That's true, but why read a book if the main plot of the book is about something you find boring?


That is like doing a report on the use of semi colons and expecting it to sound wonderful and exciting.

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That is kinda a stupid idea for a book.


Most books (at the base) have terribly stupid or cliche sounding ideas. Its up to the author to be able to make it unique and worth reading.


That's true' date=' but why read a book if the main plot of the book is about something you find boring?


That is like doing a report on the use of semi colons and expecting it to sound wonderful and exciting.



Dude, semi colons are wonderful and exciting; you have no idea.

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That is kinda a stupid idea for a book.


Most books (at the base) have terribly stupid or cliche sounding ideas. Its up to the author to be able to make it unique and worth reading.


That's true' date=' but why read a book if the main plot of the book is about something you find boring?


That is like doing a report on the use of semi colons and expecting it to sound wonderful and exciting.



Dude, semi colons are wonderful and exciting; you have no idea.


Semi colons look like a retarded form of j.

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