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A few more dw cards

Datenshi Uchiha

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the first card is op, make it atleast 6 Stars. second card is alright. 3rd card is a little up, for example let's look at the real equip spell card Axe of Despair.


Dark Blade Excessum / Axe of Despair

-------------------- ---------------

Equipped ONLY to a Equipped to ANY monster.


er. Gains 1000 ATK points.


Gains 300 ATK points.



See? And your cards secondary effect doesnt really help atall. so, the third card is UP.



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the first card is op' date=' make it atleast 6 Stars. second card is alright. 3rd card is a little up, for example let's look at the real equip spell card Axe of Despair.


Dark Blade Excessum / Axe of Despair

-------------------- ---------------

Equipped ONLY to a Equipped to ANY monster.


er. Gains 1000 ATK points.


Gains 300 ATK points.



See? And your cards secondary effect doesnt really help atall. so, the third card is UP.




thanx for the input but i must disagree. 1st of all i dont see the point of uping the first one an extra level its still one sacrifice. Also the secondary effect is the focal point of the card. It esentialy turns any dw monster into bronn.

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First is overpowered, especially considering it's level. It's at least level 8 material. The equip card seems underpowered. Think about it. All it gains is 300 ATK, yet each time you inflict damage, you need to discard a card? It seems like an unneeded drawback if you ask me.

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