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Angelic Dragon {Dragon Summoner/Level 8/Balanced}


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[align=center]I saw this image made by ÐAΣMON -DG- and I just had to make a card out of it. So with out any more intros to do, here it is!




1 Tuner + 1 Level 3 Dragon-Type Non-Tuner

This card not be Summoned except by Synchro Summon. If a Dragon-Type monster was destroyed by Battle less then 2 turns ago, you can pay 300 Life Points for Level the Monster Card has to Special Summon the selected card to your side of the field, ignoring the Summoning conditions. If this card's effect was used, destroy this card.


Rate, fix.[/align]

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"1 Tuner monster + 1 Level 3 Dragon-Type non-Tuner monster

This card not be Summoned except by Synchro Summon. If a Dragon-Type monster was destroyed by battle less then 2 turns ago, you can pay 300 Life Points x the Level of the destroyed Dragon-Type monster to Special Summon the destroyed Dragon-Type monster to your side of the field, ignoring the Summoning conditions. When this card's effect is activated, this card is destroyed."


The above is the fixed version. The underline is something that im sure is incorrect but im not sure how to fix. The bold is the corrections.


It seems balanced enough however I have a feint feeling that it is slightly unbalanced however I'm not sure how or which way.



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