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Vanillas forever! 10 new ones.


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idk why people hate Vanilla cards,i like then.its good to see another type of monster other then effect.don;t get me wrong i like effect monsters,but we just need a bit of a mix up.

nice pick and great background info but you might want to make some weaker ones

its like a brutal fest up there lol

keep up the Vanillas ;) 9/10

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Go vanilla WOOP! every set that gets realeased have vanillas in em Gladiator Beasts, V-Z Machine, Darkworld, Elemental Hero, Aliens, Archfiends, Six Samurai, Roids, Neo-Spacian, Herpis, Venom, Ojama and Volcaninc all have Normal Monsters in em!! I think they are important to the game and I think a well made vanilla card is good, an intersting text underneath shows creativity, and passion for what he/she is doing...I make sure to put at least 1 vanilla in each sett I make on purpose!! Good work player 9/10



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Always the same comment xD

"Your Vanilla should have a effect!"



..Well I like them BUT!

The text got to long in some cards..

usually Vanillas dont have that long effects

---You might have use for my Vanilla Support to...since you like them that much^^---


Well your cards get 8/10

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