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Master White

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For the first card again I say


...This is card lacks the main function of a Psychic monster therefore I do not see it as such. Also I believe that you may have thought of a Gemini Psychic monster but there is already a member that has made around....3 or 4 I believe. To grasp the main function and the proper OCG of Gemini and Psychic monsters I suggest looking at the posts of the Lovely Lady member.


For your second card, you have many OCG errors and its effect placement is off. Also terrible pictures for all three.


For you final card...It should not be a normal monster card. and again its effect is not proper for an assault mode monster.


My rating is 5/10

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Edited cards, psychic monster is off now, didn't realize some one else thought of them. Here it the edited versions of the Sky-Light Dragons


[spoiler=Sky-Light Dragon and Sky-light Dragon/Assualt Mode]

Effect for Sky-Light Dragon: 1 Dragon type tuner monster + 1 or more dragon type non-tuner monsters. This card can only be summoned by synchro summoning. When this card attacks, remove from play all of the opponents cards and this card is removed from play.



Effect for Sky-light Dragon/Assault Mode:

This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned except with "Assault Mode Activate". When this card is attacked or attacks, remove from play all cards in your opponents deck and this card is destroyed. When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, you can special summon one dragon synchro monster from you extra deck.




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Well, I wansn't quite finished with all, but here is all of them now.



Sky-Light Dragon: The Effect:1 Dragon tuner monster + 1 or more dragon non-tuner monsters. This card can only be summoned by synchro summoning. When this card attacks, remove from play all of the opponents cards and this card is removed from play.




Sky-light Dragon/Assault Mode:The Effect:This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned except with "Assault Mode Activate". When this card is attacked or attacks, remove from play all cards in your opponents deck and this card is destroyed. When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, you can special summon one dragon synchro monster from you extra deck.




(New)Sky-Light Dragon/Multiple Mode:The effect:This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned except with "Multiple Mode Activate". When this card is attacked or attacks, remove from play all cards in your opponents deck and this card is destroyed. When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, you can special summon three dragon monsters from your deck and you can remove this card from play to activate multiple mode. Special summon all sky light dragons in attack position and their effects negated. They all gain 2500 attack.




Multiple Mode Activate: The Effect:

Tribute One Assault Mode Monster. Special summon one "/Multiple Mode monster whose name includes the tributed monsters name from your deck in Attack Position.




Thanks to all that were helping me, with your help, I was able to actually finish the set. that is what I wanted all along. Please say I didn't make you guys/gals mad at me.

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