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Soul Eater


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sorry if the last card's effect is hard to understand, i cannot find another way to say it.

So, example: you equip United We Stand to The Opportunist, and have 5 monsters. Increase the ATk and DEF of The Opportunist by 4000*2=8000,and then destroy United We Stand, making The Opportunist's ATk and DEF 8000 permanently (even if you will have less than five monsters after a couple of turns the ATK and DEF will stay 8000).

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Overpowered that? I just used a comparation. Most effects increase ATk by 500, and Maha Vailo has 1550 ATK and gains 500 ATK for every card equipped to him. The Opportunist's ability is just an upgraded version of that, but with 0 original stats.


I would say it is at the limit of balance, but can get broken in the certain combinations (like the one above or the example), but this can happen with may seemingly balanced cards (like catapult turtle or Uria, ow, ever wandered what happens if you have 2 Uria on the field. Yup, that's endgame). Second thought, it should be a 1 sacrifice level 5 monster


Well, I guess I'll rate my own card 8. But to my noting system, this is AVERAGE

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