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Sacred beast of the deep

Chaos Flame

Is this a good card?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Is this a good card?

    • Yes, good job.
    • It's OK
    • This card sucks.

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Here´s my card. please rate and give advice.



This Monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 3 WATER Monsters in your Graveyard from play. If this card is declared as an attack target, put one Deep Counter on this card. This card gains 600 ATK for each Deep Counter on it. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. During your opponent´s Battle Phase, if this card is in face-up Attack Position, you can remove 1 WATER Monster in your Graveyard from play to have 1 Monster your opponent controls with more ATK than this card attack this card.

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where it says it can't be destroyed by battle i'd add that it battle damage is calculated normally

"This card cannot be destroyed by battle. (Damage calculation is applied normally.)"

it may seem small but it makes it more like other cards that have that in their effect

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It's overpowered. 1000 is too much. It cannot be destroyed and you can force your opponent to attack it which will eventually make it's ATK grow way too high. Add a limit to the amount of Deep Counters placed on the card and lower the increase to about 600.


well actually you can only force stronger monsters to attack it

so there definitely is a limit to how strong it can get

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It is fine the way it is. Nice drawbacks, good effects, excellent combo abilities (ring of magnatism anyone?). In my opinion you could make this card even stronger and it wouldn't be OP'ed. This card dies to lightning just like any other monster.


Good pic, Good name, Excellent effect

Wonderful job


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