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Card no.200

Big Lez

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Activate only if you control 1 or more DARK and LIGHT monsters. Increase your Life Points by 1000 each time 1 monster you control is destroyed. Decrease your Life Points by 1000 each time 1 monster your opponent controls is destroyed. During your opponents's turn, if a LIGHT monster you control is destroyed you can pay 500 Life Points to add it to the number of monsters currently Tributed to Tribute Summon any monster, during your next turn. You can pay 1000 Life Points, to have each DARK monster counted as 2 monsters, if you Tribute it, to Tribute Summon a monster.

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Not bad, the image is alright, and the OCG is fine.


I would add "by battle" after destroyed, since this card would be pretty abusable without that. Also, it seems a bit overpowered, especially in a DARK deck. That effect is like Double Coston, but without being open to be destroyed by battle.


Interesting card though.



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Thanks to everyone

@Bengal: Your right..kind of..i also thought it might be OP'd but youre paying a lot of LP's ..and thats why i dont add by battle..so each time a monster is destroyed in any way...makes you loose your Life Points ;)


@ The Worm : True^^ i didn't...suckish german grammar thinking xD

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