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How to Win the Lotttery | DERREN BROWN Guys =0


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Cold reading is enitirely different to picking out someone in the crowd guessing their star sign, a question they had in their head, their name and so on. Watch Derren Brown "The Events". Cold reading is what that american twat does, Derren does nothing of the sort and pointsa out all he does is "suggestion and mis deirection". He doesn't even have to look at them. Party tricks don't come close to the things Derren can do. I was trying to find the Youtube vid where he shows people how take someones wallet and keys just by asking for them, but unfortunately it was too awesome and has been removed.


In "The Gathering" he performs for an ivited crowd for at least 2 hours, afterwards they've forgotton everything and can't recall any of it. That's a fecking mind waro right there. He memorised the whole of London and each place’s co-ordinates on a map.


He let them pick a starting place, let them pick a destination, and what route they would take. He got it all right, he had an asatate in a box that matched the route on the map exactly.


He is far better than any "magician" you could think of.

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You do know that that means he doesn't do magicks, right?


I know exactly what you're talking about. I just forgot the actual term for it. And "mind reading" is just a nerfed term for the real formal name of it.


He deals in mind manipulation and hypnotism. And other sorts of mind tricks. He doesn't do magicks, though.


And besides, like I said, if he's going to reveal this trick, then that means it's all an illusion of sorts.


And if you think about it, if it actually worked, everybody would be rich and the companies who host the lottery would become bankrupt within weeks.


You can't compare Derren Brown to magicians.

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You do know that that means he doesn't do magicks' date=' right?


[b']Because Magic is real and he doesn't have the supernatural powers necerssary to do it...[/b]


I know exactly what you're talking about. I just forgot the actual term for it. And "mind reading" is just a nerfed term for the real formal name of it.




He deals in mind manipulation and hypnotism. And other sorts of mind tricks. He doesn't do magicks, though.


Oh yes, yes he does. The floating table for example.


And besides, like I said, if he's going to reveal this trick, then that means it's all an illusion of sorts.


Which would count as a magic trick...


However, I find it unlikely he would, I get the fealing it's an equation of sorts, god knows what though.


And if you think about it, if it actually worked, everybody would be rich and the companies who host the lottery would become bankrupt within weeks.


Derren Brown is too awesome, no other living sole could do it. He's actually suggested that others should try it out once he reveals the method.


You can't compare Derren Brown to magicians.


Yes, yes I can.

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There surely has to be some catch to this. But what? What could it possibly be?


"It will all be revealed by Derren himself on Friday."


Oh, and my guess is that those are specialized balls which allow you to change the numbers on them electronically. He gets the numbers from the live drawing, and has the people in the back change them.

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There surely has to be some catch to this. But what? What could it possibly be?


"It will all be revealed by Derren himself on Friday."


Oh' date=' and my guess is that those are specialized balls which allow you to change the numbers on them electronically. He gets the numbers from the live drawing, and has the people in the back change them.



There are lottery balls like that? That's really... weird.

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Nothing is impossible if you're rich and you use the money to buy them specialized.


That's how a lot of tricks are done. Rich people pay people to make things that help them achieve them.


That's why the best tricks are the ones that use the least amount of objects you bring yourself.

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Nothing is impossible if you're rich and you use the money to buy them specialized.


That's how a lot of tricks are done. Rich people pay people to make things that help them achieve them.


That's why the best tricks are the ones that use the least amount of objects you bring yourself.


That would explain why he didn't show us what the balls had written on them except after they got the lotto numbers.

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If this was a one time deal it could just be a lucky guess everyone gets then once in a while.... No big deal... or it was a bribe if you wish no to believe the lucky guess. It's not hard to bribe someone.... =/ and all.... besides i don't even know who DERREN BROWN is... so he's not all that great...

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^I lol'd.


Nothing is impossible if you're rich and you use the money to buy them specialized.


That's how a lot of tricks are done. Rich people pay people to make things that help them achieve them.


That's why the best tricks are the ones that use the least amount of objects you bring yourself.


I really just think you don't want him to be as awesome and smart as I think he is:/ He's not particularly rich and he doesn't rely on props in order to perform, save for the occasional blind fold.

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