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Copy Plant[DISC]

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Must have in Plant Synchros. If you run Nettles over this' date=' somethin's wrong with you.





Congratulations on your 1,000,000th half-assed post. You must feel proud.


How is Copy not better than Nettles? Nettles is a Level 2 Tuner with a protection effect that sux monkey balls.


Copy Plant is a Multi-Level Tuner that shouldn't (In a decent deck) be on the field while no other monsters are out for it to Tune with anyway.

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Must have in Plant Synchros. If you run Nettles over this' date=' somethin's wrong with you.





Congratulations on your 6,331st half-assed post. You must feel proud.


How is Copy not better than Nettles? Nettles is a Level 2 Tuner with a protection effect that sux monkey balls.


Copy Plant is a Multi-Level Tuner that shouldn't (In a decent deck) be on the field while no other monsters are out for it to Tune with anyway.


fixed, remeber his first post was a intro thread... XD

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It's not a bad card for plants, crap with everything else, still I would only have 1 of him in most plant decks and keep in mind things like plaguespreader zombie can also be used in plants (or just about any deck these days)


This can be good with other level 4 plants but these days people like to rapidly summon gigaplant and even then that's a black rose dragon.

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Must have in Plant Synchros. If you run Nettles over this' date=' somethin's wrong with you.





Congratulations on your 1,000,000th half-assed post. You must feel proud.


How is Copy not better than Nettles? Nettles is a Level 2 Tuner with a protection effect that sux monkey balls.


Copy Plant is a Multi-Level Tuner that shouldn't (In a decent deck) be on the field while no other monsters are out for it to Tune with anyway.


nettles works with gigaplant for mega easy synchros

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