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Skull Worshiper - New Fav Card Made


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[spoiler=Skull Worshiper]333845ix.jpg

This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned by Tributing 2 DARK/Fiend-Type monsters and 1 Level 5 or higher DARK/Zombie-Type monster on the field. When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, all Spell and Trap Cards on the field are destroyed and Released. The ATK/DEF of all face-up monsters is decreased x100 for every Spell and/or Trap Cards removed from play by this cards affect. If this card's ATK is decreased by 500 or more during your turn, this card's DEF is increased x200 for every Level 5 or higher monster in yours and your opponent's Graveyard. During your Battle Phase if an opponent's monster's ATK was decreased by 300 or more by this card's affect, the ATK of that card is decreased by an additional 500 when declaring an attack with this card. If you destroy a monster with this card and inflict Battle Damage to your opponent decrease your Life Points by half this card's original ATK. When this card is destroyed it is Released.


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