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The Darkness King's Return Knight


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[spoiler=Darkness King's Return Knight]333845q.jpg

This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 Level 6 or higher DARK/Zombie-Type monster on the field. During your opponent's Battle Phase this card's DEF is decreased by 1000. If this card is destroyed while in face-up Defense Position, this card is Released and returned to your hand in 2 Turns. If this card destroys a monster on your opponent's side of the field you may discard 1 monster in your hand equal to the Star Level of the destroyed monster to Special Summon the monster destroyed by this card in face-up Attack Position on your opponent's side of the field during any phase in the next 5 Turns. This affect can only be used twice. The controller of this card chooses when to use this affect.


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