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How Lame. Ask Javier A Question. >.>

Death Bishop

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Virgin or no?


Why did you make this again?


If someone gave you a piece of cake, would you really say 'IT'S A LIE!'?


Chocolate: Dark, or Milk?


Wtf, another name change?


Why are you in my hut?


Where exactly is my hut?


If you saw a person you really like, how long would you stare at her?

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Virgin or no? Virgin


Why did you make this again? I've never made this before!


If someone gave you a piece of cake' date=' would you really say 'IT'S A LIE!'? [b']No[/b]


Chocolate: Dark, or Milk? Milk, because it came from a cow's udder ;D




Why are you in my hut? I'm having smex with your sister, remember?


Where exactly is my hut? China, the President's office


If you saw a person you really like, how long would you stare at her? I would never stop


Is the cake a lie? No' date=' the cake is real[/b']

Did Glados try to kill you even though she wants you to kill her? ....

[teh lulzys]R U Teh Awexomez[/teh lulzys] NO! YES!

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Is Mia your BFF? I wish.. lol' date=' I'd give you my password if you somehow convinced Mia to go out with me. ;D[/b']


Who'd wanna ask you a question? You, obviously


How did you find out about YCM? I typed "Generate Yugioh Cards" in Google.


Is your real name Javier? No, it's Jim actually.


Why am I asking so many questions? Because your gay curious.

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would you say ''My math theacher is a b****'' in middle of your math class No' date=' I'm the teachers pet[/b']


Do you haz a Feminine side? Nope' date=' I'm a straight guy[/b']

Do you liekz me avvie and sig? No Yes.


I'm very angry for my friend, Flandre Scarlet, for you defeated him in a 1 on 1 recently... Grrr... It's not my fault I'M THE BETTER CARD MAKER!

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Is the cup half full or half empty?


If a tree falls in a forest, and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


If you were in a meteor hurdling towards Earth, what would you do?


If your were in a room full of glass bottles, what do you think it'll be like?


What is your faith/religion?


How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a Tootsie pop?


What would you do for a Klondike bar?

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