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Power of Earth! 8/?? Newest Card Added!

Moonlight Princess

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[align=center]Hi, I created some EARTH monsters. Please comment and let me know your ideas.






Effect: When a Fairy-Type monster on your side of the Field is removed from play, you can Special Summon this card. When this card is Special Summoned, add 1 "Bloom Fairy" monster from your Deck to your Hand. When this card is removed from Field, it is removed from play.









"Bloom Fairy - Daisy" + "Bloom Fairy - Rose" + " Bloom Fairy - Violet"

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card from your Hand to add 1 "Bloom Fairy" monster that is removed from play back to your Graveyard. Increase the ATK of this card by 300 for each "Bloom Fairy" monster in your Graveyard.[/align]




Effect:When this card is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned, Special Summon as many of your "Bloom Fairy" monsters that are removed from play as possible. When this card is removed from Field, destroy all cards Special Summoned with this card's effect. When this card is removed from Field, it is removed from play.




Effect:When this card is removed from Field, it is removed from play. When this card is removed from play, you can equip it to a Fairy-Type monster as an Equip Spell Card. Increase the ATK of the monster equipped with this card by 300 points for each "Bloom Fairy" monster that is removed from play.



New Card:

[align=center](This new card can be used to Summon Bloom Fairy - Forest )




Effect:When this card is Normal Summoned, return all "Bloom Fairy" monsters that are removed from play back to your Deck. Then shuffle your deck. During the End Phase of each turn, remove 1 "Bloom Fairy" monster from your Deck to add 1 "Bloom Counter" on this card (max. 3). If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Bloom Fairy" monster from your Extra Deck ignoring the summoning conditions, that's level is equal to the amount of "Bloom Counter"s on this card x 3.[/align]



Hope you love them!


(Pictures are from deviantart.com)

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