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deck needs a trim, not sure what to take out (endymion)


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49 cards here, I want it closer to 40, but I'm not sure what to take out.

and to all wondering where my chaos sorcerers are, I'm working on it.

(hey, last list at one got me an allure.)


45 cards

monsters : 20

2 Endymion MM

1 tualatin (hey, it's praticaly a Gorz for my deck.)

2 Magical Marionette


3 breaker

3 defender

3 exemplar

1 royal magical library


1 copycat

1 frequency magician

1 night's end sorcerer

2 apprentice magician


spells : 20

1 arcane barrier

2 allure of darkness

2 terraforming

2 Endymion, MC

2 solidarity

2 foolish burial

1 magical Dimension

1 forbidden chalice

1 shrink

1 book of moon

3 spell power grasp


traps : 7

3 threatening roar

2 magician's circle


1 T.T.


so, what to take out?

(already removed)

2 trap stun

1 arcane barrier

1 magicial Dimension

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I'd neg the Arcane Barrier, the Chalice/Shrink/Book/Magical Dimension (probably not all, choose a few to neg) and possibly the SPGs or Trap Stuns. I'd also neg a Foolish or an Endymion MM. I'd also neg a Terraforming until you can get a third City, because any 3 of City + Terra, throughout the entire duel, gives an entirely unusable card.


Try those changes and see if it helps.

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I'd neg the Arcane Barrier' date=' the Chalice/Shrink/Book/Magical Dimension (probably not all, choose a few to neg) and possibly the SPGs or Trap Stuns. I'd also neg a Foolish [i']or[/i] an Endymion MM. I'd also neg a Terraforming until you can get a third City, because any 3 of City + Terra, throughout the entire duel, gives an entirely unusable card.


Try those changes and see if it helps.


I have (more than) 3 citys, I use 2 because it's a dead draw more than terrafrming is when I already have one on the field.


I think of it this way: I draw terraforming in the opening hand, use it to get 1 city. if I draw terraforming again, I can remove the other city and put it in my hand, stoping a chance for a dead draw and increasing my spell counter amount. drawing another city would give me absoulely nothing, meaning a completely dead draw. it's only use being discard for Endymion or tempest at best from how I see it. terraforming after both citys are out of the deck is just as dead, but it has a better chance of not being completely dead in compairsion to another copy of city.


the other suggestions are good though.

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Get rid of 1 Terraforming and Copycat.


With 2 Magical Citadel and 2 Terraforming' date=' If you draw 1 MC and use another Terra, the last Terra would be a dead draw.


And copycat is meh at best.



but then I'll only have 3 field cards in the deck, then it will be harder to get citadel


spellcaster aren't known for their draw power.


and copycat is exemplar abuse.

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