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Dark Simorgh-Lock


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made it in my mind, a quick-built deck so it needs improvements



Monsters (22)


Dark Simorgh x3

Caius x2

Arma Knight x3

Tomato x3

Krebons x2

Raiza x3

Kamakiri x3

Sasuke Samura#4 x2



Spells (10):

Allure x2

Hand des x3

Card Des

Creature Swap x2







Traps (8):

Anti Spell x3

Threatning x2






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this is my ingame dark simorg lock deck use this for ideas. I know that some cards you won't have but u are missing key cards for example brakers,gale,morphing jar,summoner monk just to name a few. i know i aint good at making decks but i hope this may help you.


1 blackwing- gale

3 breaker

3 caius

3 dark simorg

1 morphing jar

2 raiza

3 shield wing

3 soldier of mist valley

1 summoner monk



2 allure

1 brain control

1 card destruction

2 foolish

2 gold sarcoph

1 heavy storm

1 vortex

1 typhoon



3 anti spell fragence

2 bottomless

1 call of the haunted

1 mirror force

1 solemn

1 torrential


extra deck generic synchros

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Sasuke Samurai #2 would be better as you can pay 800 LP to stop all traps and spells from being activated for the rest of the turn allowing for easy Simorgh summoning. You could also chain Anti-Spell Fragrance to it's effect (or activate before) so that you can have your lock up right when you summon Simorgh


emm i know but samurai is here because he is summonable by Kamakiri, and because it will be the battle phase, I have to summon a monster that can somehow stop the opponent, which SS#2 cannot do, so I prefer #4 here << he is the best 1500- WIND monster that can do that

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I really wouldn't run 3 Anti-Spell Fragrances. Most of the time' date=' 2 would come as a dead draw. So [b']Replace 1 of them with Simorgh, Bird of Ancestry.[/b]


Why? I see the logic in using it to summon Dark Simorgh with only 1 tribute, but besides that, and it isnt' really required, it does nothing for the deck... however, negging a Fragrance does seem good. You could replace that one with RfaDD

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lady ninja yae

fills grave with wind monsters' date=' and clears backrow



I'll consider that, I'll test this deck with it to decide wether to put it or not


I like the build.


You gonna make then when SOVR gets here?




...Plasma? I don't know just a suggestion. The build is really good.


which plazma u mean. Plazma zone ? If so then no' date=' there is no room for it =/

DH Plazma is bad, 3 Tributes <,<


I really wouldn't run 3 Anti-Spell Fragrances. Most of the time, 2 would come as a dead draw. So Replace 1 of them with Simorgh, Bird of Ancestry.


I run them just to get 1 faster. You know, It and DSimorgh are the Keys of the deck

DSimorgh is very easy to summon here, I tested it in TF3 and most of the time I get him in the first turn, so all I need is the Fragrance fast



I'd like to add RfaDD but I don't know what to neg for =/





- Samurai

- T rour


+ hand des

+ Card des

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