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[[Photon Firefly]]


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[align=center]Photon Firefly




Lore:1 Tuner monster + 1 or more Non-Tuner monsters


When this card is Summoned, Special Summon 1 Level 5 or Lower Machine-Type monster from your Graveyard. If the monster declares an attack, destroy it during your End Phase. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card to increase this card's ATK by 400 until the end of your Battle Phase.


[spoiler=Pic Credit] firefly troop complete



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Good card, I like the image and the OCG is fine.


It seems a bit overpowered, I would change 400 to 200, since there is no limit stated, and you could discard many cards. Also, the Level decrease effect could become overpowered, especially with a card like Level Limit Area B. And I would add a Level limit to the SS effect as well.


I also don't think it should be a Tuner, just stick Synchro to keep it realistic.



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