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Frog Deck (Stall)


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3 Submarine Frog

3 Dupe Frog

2 Des Frog

2 Unifrog

2 Flip Flop Frog

2 Spined Gillman

2 Poison Draw Frog

1 Treeborn Frog

1 Substitoad

1 Mother Grizzly



3 Wetlands

3 Salvage

1 Swords Of Revealing Light


1 Shrink

1 Mask Of The Accursed

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Tribute To The Doomed

1 Creature Swap

1 Twister



3 Threating Roar

2 Gravity Bind

2 Ojama Trio

2 Froggy Forcefield

1 Negate Attack

1 Mirror Force


Please comment on cards I should take out or put in. ^_^

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Ojama Trio is at 1. And it doesn't fit.

Gravity Bind is at 1 too.

Negate Attack sucks.


And those are only the Traps...

Go with this instead:

[spoiler=My Craptastic Frog Deck]

=Monsters 20=

3] Unifrog

3] Substitoad

3] Dupe Frog

3] Submarine Frog

3] Flip Flop Frog

2] Mother Grizzly

2] Junk Synchron

1] Sangan


=Spells 11=

3] Wetlands

2] Terraforming

2] Lightning Vortex

1] One for One

1] Pot of Avarice

1] Heavy Storm

1] Level Limit-Area B


=Traps 9=

2] Threatening Roar

2] Froggy Forcefield

1] Mirror Force

1] Graceful Revival

1] Call of the Haunted

1] Gravity Bind

1] Torrential Tribute


=Extra 15=

2] Junk Warrior

2] Armory Arm

11] Generic


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