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GIMP 2.6.7


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You can't 'do someone spam' :/


And If I recall' date=' I still have Gimp 2.6.6 or was it something else? Oh well, I don't remember =3



I don't remember if you can even check your version. :/


But I'm pretty sure I got 2.6.4.


Can't check it, but maybe I still have that part of my memory when I downloaded it.


I do remember a few 6's...but then again e.e

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Overview of Changes from GIMP 2.6.6 to GIMP 2.6.7

* Bugs fixed:

591017 – Tablet pan is not working as fast as it should
577581 – Crashes when using any colors tool/function on Windows
589667 – GIMP crashes when clicking GEGL Operation on Windows
569833 – file-jpeg-save erroneous with small quality values
590638 – Changing palettes from list to grid view loses "locked to dock"
589674 – "Send by Email" does not update "Filename"
586851 – Transparent BMP files fail to load
589205 – help-browser uses deprecated (and sometimes broken) webkit call
582821 – 'Sphere Designer' does not reset correctly...
570353 – first time open of .svg file ignores the requested units
555777 – Export to MNG animation fails
577301 – Dithering with transparency is broken for "positioned" method
493778 – metadata plug-in crashes on some images
567466 – PNG comment not found if more than 1 tEXt chunks
585665 – Exporting to PSD with a blank text layer creates a corrupt file
586316 – Levels tool does not adjust output levels correctly if input
         levels are changed
569661 – Import from PDF throws errors when entering resolution in
         pixels per millimetre
567262 – Black pixels appear in "Spread" filter preview
554658 – Path Dialog: Path preview pics not to see constantly
167604 – gimp_gradient_get_color_at() may return out-of-bounds values
567393 – Rectangle select tool size shrinks to 0 if size is larger than
         the image and the up or down arrow is pressed
587543 – crash when invoking certain actions by keyboard shortcut
563029 - Closing maximized image doesn't restore document window size
585488 – Perspective transformation on a layer with a mask causes crash
586008 - GIMP crashes when right-click canceling a drawing action initiated
         outside layer boundaries
584345 – when printing, the number of copies should be reset to 1
557061 – Alpha to Logo
472644 – Rotate with clipping crops the whole layer
577575 – transform tool fills underlying extracted area wrongly
555738 – Image display is wrong after undoing canvas size
577024 – help-browser plugin crashes when used with webkit 1.1.3
555025 – Action GEGL box widgets weirdness


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GIMP 2.6.7 is basiclly the same as 2.6.6 with a little cosmetic changes and a easier to use interface and it won't crash XD. download it Dark. i think you need an update from 2.6.4


Yeah' date=' I need an update. I don't use GIMP too often, however, but if I get back into card editing I'll download it.


Showcase section much?


Not really, as there is nothing TO showcase. It's just a graphic design program.

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