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vengeful lemonS

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I think the Fenrir card is kinda OPed. I mean come on, all he needs to do is kill a monster by battle, and with 2600 ATK, your opponent won't be drawing any new cards any time soon. If you just take out the part that skips the draw phase, he'll be good. I like the pic, though. As for the other card, maybe just make it plus 800, cause 1000 is a little too much. Other than that, the cards are cool. 7.7/10

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The first card should be DARK not WATER.




this is merely a stronger version of Yata' date=' it needs to have its atk lowered by 300, effect tuned WAY down





He based the card off Fenir. So it kindly like an evolution stage for it. He is OP but his effect is kinda different for Yata.......in some degree. still 9/10 ATK need to be lower though

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