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Tenta Knight


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[align=center][b]Tenta Knight[/b]


Lore: When this card is Summoned, you must tribute 2 monsters on your side of the field. If you cannot, decrease this card's ATK by 500. Once per turn, place 1 Tentacle Counter on 1 monster your opponent controls. You cannot use this effect more than 3 times. Monsters with a Tentacle Counter cannot declare an attack or switch Battle Positions.

[spoiler=Pic Credit:]http://pigeonkill.deviantart.com/art/Knight-and-Demon-59536153[/align][/spoiler]
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@ragnarok:It would only need 1 counter per monster on the field though so it would automatically be 1.


The effect is good, not many effects like that so its sort of unique. Battle positions should both be capitilised. The pic is a bit blurry but the effect is balanced.



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