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Set - Prehistoric Life


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Nearly all of your dinosaurs are tribute summon, and have incredible stats fro their level...3000 DEF for level 6? 2200ATK for level 4? Without complication? Plus there are some monsters who DO NOT belong in this deck or in ANY deck for such...which deck plays BOTH Dinosaur and Aqua?! An equip that gives 1000 FREE ATK?! Then there is the opposite... a level 6 monster with 2000/1900 and a level 8 monster with only 2700/2350 and no effect...this isn't any synergy either. There is no interdependant cards and onle a few equips/fields that help the dinos out. No special summons, no extra draws, no defence from s/t (at least nothing reasonable)...what I mean is, what happens if you WHOLE hand is tribute monsters? Give up and die with a couple of monsters with over 2500ATK in hand?


Art is ok, BTW, real names for card names nice idea too.

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