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Icicle Storm Unleashed! 44/44 Icicle Cards PLEASE RATE


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Yes, it's finally here! The biggest single themed set I've ever made, containing over 40 cards, with three sycnchros and three fusions. I originally made only a few Icicle monsters, like Icicle Wizard. But then, playing on RPs I decided to expand my deck to make it compatible for dueling. And so, over the months the Icicle Beasts have gone from a mere four cards to fourty-two! Some of these may be overpowered slightly, to combat other powerful monsters used by my opponents in RPs, but as these are still used in roleplays I shall not decrease their power. However, I'm open to all OCG fixes, as some of these cards were made at a time when I was less skillful, and the rules about grammar were different. Finally, I cannot give exact details of image cred, but most of these pictures are from various sites found on google, or from Deviantart. Please rate and enjoy!


[spoiler=Icicle Dragons]


[spoiler=Icicle Winged Beasts]




[spoiler=Icicle Beasts and Beast-Warriors]



[spoiler=Icicle Warriors/Spellcasters]k54o0l.png111097i.jpg111097f.jpg111097ge.jpg111097.jpg


[spoiler=Icicle Zombies]



[spoiler=Icicle Golems]



[spoiler=Icicle Fusions/Synchros]




I haven't had time to do card effects in spoilers yet, but I will soon.

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They actually do have one thing the same in all of them; they all cannot be Special Summoned, which helps balance out their powerful attack. Also, the different subcategories have focus points, like the Golems focus on discarding/tributing monsters to gain ATK, and the Zombies have some effects based on Zombie World and Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon, using Zombie Reindeer to change the opponent's monsters into Icicle Zombies, and then using Zombie Archfiend or Zombie Yeti to Special Summon them onto your Field.

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I rated yesterday xD still if your traps are good. I'll go ahead and give 4/5 for traps.

Final Score 51/75 (High 50, not Low 75)

(Last rate was 47/50 wich was high. So 47 + 4 = 51 so it went over 50 so maxed rate uped by 25 making 75, I state if its a High 25 50 75 or 100, or Low 25 50 75 100)

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