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I am currently building the second real life deck since I began playing again a few weeks ago after a five year lapse. I currently do not have all of the cards I need, and am not familiar with 100% of the cards, but this is what I have began to build in YVD ((m) beside the card name means I currently have it in real life):


Monsters (22):

Psychic Jumper x2 (m)

Genetic Woman x1 (m)

Master Gig x1 (m) (for this one, DDD suggested I put in 2, but I'm not so sure...)

Armored Axon Kicker x1 (m)

Destructotron x1

Doctor Cranium x2

Mind Master x1

Mind Protector x1

Psychic Commander x2

Psychic Snail x3

Telekinetic Shocker x2

Witch Doctor of Sparta x3


Spells (14):

Telekinetic Power Well x1 (m)

Brain Research Lab x3 (m)

Psychic Sword x1 (m)

Psychic Path x2 (m)

Emergency Teleport x1 (m)

Telekinetic Charging Cell x1/2? (m)

Teleport x1

Psychokinesis x1

MST x1 (m)

Field Barrier x2


Traps (8):

Psychic Tuning x1 (m)

Metaphysical Regeneration x1/2? (m)

Damage Translation x1 (m) (DDD suggested this...)

Psychic Rejuvenation x1

Psychic Trigger x1

Telepathic Power x1

Mirror Force x1

Solemn Judgment x1 (m)


Extra Deck:

Hyper Psychic Blaster x1 (m)

Thought Ruler Archfiend x1 (m)

Psychic Lifetrancer x2 (m)

Magical Android x2


Most of the crossroads and genesis pack cards that I need I do not have, as I got back into the game after their time, however DDD has agreed to trade me many of the TDGS psychics in return for a XX-Saber Gottoms.


I understand this isn't the greatest deck, so any help is appreciated. Also, +1 rep to anyone with usable, yet respectful advice.

I've dueled with this deck on YVD 6 times now, and lost one game against a macro burn deck, although I'm 100% this deck needs improvement.

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Since I was out of the game for so long, I had no idea what Witch Doctor of Sparta was. Thanks for the suggestion, just subbing it in. Also, I have pulled 2 FTKs and 4 OTKs in 7 duels without him, but he'll be a big help. (Basically, Snail, Lifetrancer and HPB, bam, 8400 damage, although this is purely luck to get the needed cards, even if it can be done various ways.)

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Sparta deals 500 damage for every monster SS'ed from the Deck. I'll see what would work here:


Monsters (22):

Psychic Jumper x2 (m)

Genetic Woman x1 (m)

Master Gig x1 (m)

Armored Axon Kicker x1 (m)

Destructotron x1

Mind Master x3

Mind Protector x1

Psychic Commander x2

Psychic Snail x3

Telekinetic Shocker x2

Witch Doctor of Sparta x3


Spells (14):

Telekinetic Power Well x1 (m)

Brain Research Lab x3 (m)

Psychic Sword x1 (m)

Psychic Path x2 (m)

Emergency Teleport x1 (m)

Telekinetic Charging Cell x1 (m)

Teleport x2

Psychokinesis x1

MST x1 (m)

Field Barrier x2


Traps (8):

Psychic Tuning x1 (m)

Pyschic Overload x1

Psychic Rejuvenation x3

Psychic Trigger x1

Telepathic Power x1

Mirror Force x1

Solemn Judgment x1 (m)


Extra Deck: 11

Hyper Psychic Blaster x1

Thought Ruler Archfiend x2

Magical Android x2

Psychic Lifetrancer x2

Stardust Dragon x2

Black Rose Dragon x1

Goyo Guardian x1

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No offense, but I asked for suggestions, not for someone else to build my deck for me. If I wanted that I could have just googled it. I mean, your suggestions are great, DDD, but I need it to work for my pay style.


One of the reasons I didn't add Stardust, Black Rose, and Goyo is because I don't have them and I don't have access to them in real life. I'm also not sure about the availability of Witch Doctor to me...


Also, as opposed to 3 Mind Masters, which are limited, I've put in 2 Doctor Craniums to get Mind Master into my hand.

And I should have refreshed the page...

Also, DDD, I don't think you realized... In your list you removed Charging Cell? Bad choice. It can act like a Lab.

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Ok, here's what I've got now:


Monsters (23):

Psychic Jumper x2

Genetic Woman x1

Master Gig x1 (Can you imagine? In 7 duels, I haven't drawn him once -_-)

AAK x1

Destructotron x1

Doctor Cranium x2 (To get Mind Master into my hand)

MM x1

Mind Protector x1 (Can summon it with Overdrive Teleporter)

Overdrive Teleporter x1

Psychic Commander x2 (Can summon it with Overdrive Teleporter)

Psychic Snail x3 (High 4 star attack + psychic tuning material and double attack on another monster)

Telekinetic Soldier x2 (To prevent Mind Master's destruction)

Witch Doctor of Sparta x3

Sangan x1 (Defense and to get MM)

Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu x1 (To get Telekinetic Charging Cell into my hand)


Spell Cards (16):

Telekinetic Power Well x1

Brain Research Lab x3

Psychic Path x2

Emergency Teleport x1 (OTK mat)

Telekinetic Charging Cell x2 (Replaced sword with this)

Teleport x1 (For obvious reasons)

Psychokinesis x1

MST x1

Field Barrier x2 (Don't want all those counters to come crashing down)

One for One x1 (Duh)

Terraforming x2 (Duh x2)


Traps (3): (Thanks GenzoTheHarpist)

Psychic Tuning x1

Psychic Trigger x1

Mirror Force x1



Thanks to both of you for the help :). I know it still can be improved!

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No offense' date=' but I asked for suggestions, not for someone else to build my deck for me. If I wanted that I could have just googled it. I mean, your suggestions are great, DDD, but I need it to work for my pay style.

[b']Fine, give me your debit card and I'll get you a more you build.[/b]


One of the reasons I didn't add Stardust, Black Rose, and Goyo is because I don't have them and I don't have access to them in real life. I'm also not sure about the availability of Witch Doctor to me...

Witch Doctor is easy, and the others you still need to get. They are basically mandatory.


Also, as opposed to 3 Mind Masters, which are limited, I've put in 2 Doctor Craniums to get Mind Master into my hand.

My mistake, but Craniums still suck. Use Shining Angel if you need too - it's free and has higher ATK.


Also, DDD, I don't think you realized... In your list you removed Charging Cell? Bad choice. It can act like a Lab.

An unsearchable lab. Better spent on swarm.



Ok, here's what I've got now:


Monsters (23):

Psychic Jumper x2

Genetic Woman x1

Master Gig x1 (Can you imagine? In 7 duels, I haven't drawn him once -_-)

AAK x1

Destructotron x1

Doctor Cranium x2 (To get Mind Master into my hand)

MM x1

Mind Protector x1 (Can summon it with Overdrive Teleporter)

Overdrive Teleporter x1

Psychic Commander x2 (Can summon it with Overdrive Teleporter)

Psychic Snail x3 (High 4 star attack + psychic tuning material and double attack on another monster)

Telekinetic Soldier x2 (To prevent Mind Master's destruction)

Witch Doctor of Sparta x3

Sangan x1 (Defense and to get MM)

Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu x1 (To get Telekinetic Charging Cell into my hand)

Everything but Kotetsu is fine... putting him in just for one card is a bad plan. There are better things to use.


Spell Cards (16):

Telekinetic Power Well x1

Brain Research Lab x3

Psychic Path x2

Emergency Teleport x1 (OTK mat)

Telekinetic Charging Cell x2 (Replaced sword with this)

Teleport x1 (For obvious reasons)

Two is much better.

Psychokinesis x1

MST x1

Field Barrier x2 (Don't want all those counters to come crashing down)

One for One x1 (Duh)

Terraforming x2 (Duh x2)


Traps (3): (Thanks GenzoTheHarpist)

Psychic Tuning x1

Psychic Trigger x1

Mirror Force x1



Thanks to both of you for the help :). I know it still can be improved!


Posted by comments in bold face

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Good idea on Shining Angel.


Monsters (23):

Psychic Jumper x2

Genetic Woman x1

Master Gig x1

AAK x1

Destructotron x1

Shining Angel x3 (removed 2 charging cells)

MM x1

Mind Protector x1

Overdrive Teleporter x1

Psychic Commander x2

Psychic Snail x3

Telekinetic Soldier x2

Witch Doctor of Sparta x3

Sangan x1

Krebons x1 (Stall and Tuner)


Spell Cards (16):

Telekinetic Power Well x1

Brain Research Lab x3

Psychic Path x2

Emergency Teleport x1

Teleport x2

Psychokinesis x1

MST x1

Field Barrier x2

One for One x1

Terraforming x2


Traps (3):

Psychic Tuning x1

Psychic Trigger x1

Mirror Force x1

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