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Megaman X; As the Sun Sets [BASIC]

blue eyes pop

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[spoiler=Plot Beggining. Dr. Wily's Journal; The last entry]

Text is rolling over a black screen.

Journal of Doctor Albert "Serges" W. Wily

As the sun sets on the city I attempted to claim hundreds of years ago, I know this is the last time I shall see it do so.

My Serges body is failing.

Despite using stolen blue prints from both Cain and Light, I am fading.

Fading into the abyss of death.

Maybe we humans are not meant to live forever.

Maybe we are not meant to extend our lives in order to continue to attempt to reach our goal.


Maybe we are not the dominant ones anymore.

A young girl, a robot maybe, with blonde hair and a red dress once said to me before her circuits failed.

"I am dieing. I wanted to die in a world where... only good people and good robots lived.."

Perhaps the world will end similarly, but differently; a world where only robots live.


I was never able to have you Monsteropolis.

Never, thanks to my two greatest warriors and the two blue bombers... I will never have you, because I am about to die.

If I can't have you, you shall die with me.



Dr. Wily's once human, now reploid hand reaches towards a red button. He applies pressure to the button and as he does, what appears to be a leak occours under his less bulbous eye; a human tear pushes up through the metal joins. Behind him, the floor panels slide open. Beneath them is a massive missile.

It takes off.

The flames coming from it incinerate Albert Wily, aka Serges, and the room he is in. The missile flies higher, and higher. It stops. The missile twists over. It's falling, lower and lower. Humans and reploids are running, screaming. The explosion is eating Mosteropolis. Eating the city that, hundreds of years ago, Doctor Thomas Light had created robots to protect, one of which still exists...


[spoiler=Plot description]

The RP takes place AFTER Command Mission and BEFORE Zero sealing himself.


It is the year 22XX. Force Metal is no longer mined or used due to the hazards of reploids turning Maverick as they attempt to get their hands on it. Humans travel from Earth to the moon using the Jacob Elavator. There are over a hundred space colonies in and on the moon.


The worlds most known city, Abel City (previously known as Monsteropolis) was suddenly destroyed without warning by a single super-powerful nuclear missile. Roughly 97% of the cities inhabitants were killed, reploids and humans alike, making the total of losses roughly eight million.

Maverick Hunters have relocated to the middle of the ocean in an underwater base that sits on the sea bed.


A mysterious palace of purple crystal has been put up in the middle of the radioactive desert where Abel City once stood. A large insignia can be seen on the front of it.[spoiler=Insignia]VILE.png


A team of Maverick Hunters was sent to investigate.

They vanished...

...and reappeared 2 months later as Mavericks. Any one who enters the Purple Crystal Palace vanishes then comes back as Mavericks.

The cause of this is a that a new Maverick Virus has occoured known as Crystal Sickness. Reploids with Crystal Sickness act extremely aggresively and have a small shard of purple crystal stuck in the side of their neck aswell as having the insignia on some area of their body.


Maverick Hunters are fighting the new threat. The present time is known as the Crystal Wars.

It is time to enter the world of Mega Man X. Which side will you choose?








Faction: Maverick Hunters, Mavericks, Civilian. Mavericks can be turned back to Civilians if a Maverick Hunter destroys the crystal on their neck. Hunters can be turned into Mavericks. Civilians can join the Hunters or be turned Maverick.

Weapon: Do not fill if civilian, civilians gain weapons if they change to Maverick or Hunter. Buster (plasma gun, if you have this your hand transforms into it), Beam Saber (bassicaly the Mega Man equivelant of a light saber), Other (add description).

Other Ability: *Note, all reploids can Dash and have superior strength to humans (able to life up a cars weight).

List of abilities:

Copy Ability (Hunter only) - Copy an enemies weapon after defeating them.

Even greater strength - Strength beyond that of even a normal reploid.

Infection (Maverick only) - Infect an enemy with the Crystal Sickness after defeating them.

Apperance: Description or picture.






Other Ability:





[spoiler=My Apps]

Name: Reggaun

Faction: Maverick Hunters

Weapon: Two Busters. One acts like a normal buster, the other a flame thrower.

Other Ability: Copy Ability

Apperance: The body of X but the cyan is orange and the blue is red. His helmet is like that of the original Mega Man and he has a visor that almost completely blocks out the glow of his yellow eyes.

Bio: Created near the end of 21XX, Reggaun quickly passed up through the ranks of the Maverick Hunters quickly. After an incident where everyone else in his team was killed by a Maverick ambush, Reggaun became more serious, but he remained quite happy and joke-like. He is currently one rank under X, making him an advanced hunter but not able to lead a team of his own yet.


Name: Mix Scorpio

Faction: Maverick

Weapon: Other - Mix Tail. M.S. mixes chemicals inside his tail then fires them out the stinger.

Other Ability: Even greater strength. M.S. is able to lift about 4 tons (about 4 cars)

Apperance: Same body as X but slightly larger and bulkier. Dark black all over. He has a long scorpions tail with small tanks of chemicals running up the sides. The chemicals are drained from these tanks to perform the Mix Tail attack.

Bio: Not much is known about Mix Scorpio's past. He used to be a scientist for the Maverick Hunters, attempting to develop cures (both chemical and digital) for various Maverick Viruses. He was one of the first team sent to investigate the Palace of Purple Crystal, leading to him becoming a Maverick.






1. No God Modding. God Modding includes;

Controlling other peoples character (exceptions are if your stating how you've damaged their armour or if you've sent them flying into the wall or something)

Ulta Powerful attacks.

Controlling Npcs to aid your character in battle (exception if it is a war scene)




3. Sorry for people who do, but don't use first person. Always third person please.


4. Make sure your entires are understandable and aren't god-mod. Example: Two Mavericks are beating up a citizen. Look at the different texts below:

[spoiler=Bad]walks into room and sees two mavericks screams HI OVER HERE IM GOING TO KILL YOU. fires buster lots of times and uses super form and kills them whilse saving the citizen then blue eyes pops character comes in and i kill him.



ME: Lol u ready for this? *activates buster*

2 Mavericks: lol k *activates beem sabers*

Me: *has a fight and wins*




*Name here* walks into the street, looking around. He suddenly sees the two Mavericks beating up the helpess citizen. Quick as a flash, his hand retracted into the dome part of his arm, forming the Electro-Buster. He quickly fired off 3 shots, catching one of the Mavericks by surprise and sending them down. The second ignited up a beam saber and then threw it at *Name here*. *Name here* moved to the left, so the saber missed his torso but slashed through his arm, chopping it off.



5. You will be told IC if you are a Maverick hunter and have gotten a rank up.


6.I know the tag is Basic, but please don't just use this as an excuse to be lazy. Try to keep it above 1 sentence.


7. Don't randomly attack/kill.


8. Unless I say you didn't, accept death. PM me after a day or so of your death asking if you can come back to the rp as a different character.


9. If you want to leave the role play, get into a fight and die or something, don't just vanish.


10. If you repeatedly break these rules, your character will be killed and you will be banned from the role play.



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