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Yet Another Hopelessly Obvious Outcome /Yu-Gi-Oh! RP

Spirit of DMG

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Heres the Scenario:

A group of Rogue Duelists have been searching for a book of spells that originated in Egypt, rumored to contain a spell that makes images become real. Meaning that if they got their hands on it, they could use it to make real monsters, spells, and traps. This group calls themselves "The Mystics." An opposing group known only as "The Field" has been using guerrilla tactics to stop them. No one knows where the book is, but The Fields reasons for wanting it are unknown (I know what they are, of course, and I'll pm it to you if you want to join them.)

The Field's version of the Earthbound Immortals are called "Field Keepers" Which act like Earthbound Immortals, but can be attacked, damage calculation is applied normally, can only be summoned if a certain field spell is on the field, and only be destroyed if attacked when that field spell is not on the field.

The Mystics' version is called "Immortal Spell User" Which work in a Rank. Low-level Mystic members, who go into the field to conduct searches, use Synchros of them. Mid-Ring members, who act as messengers and immediate over-seers, use Dark Synchro Immortal Spell Users. The Inner-Ring which coordinates the searches for the book, and report directly to the High Mystic (their leader) is allowed to use Synchro, Dark Synchro, and Anti-Synchro Immortal Mystics.


App form:




Pic (please put in a spoiler):


Field, Mystic, Bystander:

Deck Type (must include Signature Card):

Signature Card (also in a spoiler, please) (Field: Field Keeper, Mystic: Immortal Spell User, Bystander: w/e)


my app:

Name: Lamarra

Age: 18

Sex: F




Bio: The youngest Mystic leader in history. She started dueling at age 6 and soon became better than any private instructor her parents could get for her.

Field, Mystic, Bystander: Mystic

Deck Type: Dark Side

[spoiler=Signature Card]



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Name: Diego Millan

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Pic: [spoiler=Too lazy to find a good enough fake pic, so you get a picure of me. >_>] diego-1.jpg


Bio: A member of "The Field" who sees dueling as an unmatchable rush. He lives for the feeling of facing down a tough opponent, and though his appearance -- as well as his playing style -- give off the vibe of a peacemaker, he can think of no greater joy than a brilliant struggle to win.


Deck Type: Toon

Signature Card:



This card cannot be Summoned unless "Toon Zone" is on the field. This card cannot declare an attack the turn it is summoned. This card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. While "Toon Zone" is on the field, this card is not destroyed as a result of battle. When this card inflict Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, Special Summon one Toon Monster from your Graveyard and pick one face-up monster your opponent controls. A Toon monster Special Summoned by this effect cannot be destroyed in battle except by the selected opponent's monster.


[spoiler=Field Spell]72762a.jpg


This card is name is also treated as "Toon World" while face-up on the field. As long as this card is on the field, Toon monsters you control cannot be the target of a Spell or Trap card that includes the effect of destroying cards on the field.


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