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Stein the Botonist


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Monsters: 20

X2 Tytannial

x2 Lonefire

x2 Gigaplant

x2 Volet Witch

x3 Copy Plant

x2 Botanical Lion

x3 Tomato

x2 Krebons

x1 Gale

x1 Dandylion


Spells: 13

x2 Allure

x2 Fertilizer

x1 Heavy

x1 Vortex

x1 MST

x3 Mark of the Rose

x3 Book of Moon


Traps: 7

x2 Wall of Thorns

x3 Dark Bribe

x1 Mirror Force

x1 Torrental


Total: 40


Extra: 13

x1 Black Rose :'( (i miss him at 3)

x3 Satrdust

x1 RDA

x3 Queen of Thorns

x2 Iron Chain

x1 Armor Master

x1 Goyo

x3 Whatever

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