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Favorite Card Set.


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A while ago, I created a new type, called "Favorite Card", not very "Creative" i know, but, I don't just rename it, I recolor the cards, of course that if you want a "Favorite Card" just go to this shop:




Here is some finished cards:

[spoiler=Old Version]

262318hm.jpg363746pv.jpgpikachuyj.jpglatios.jpg[spoiler=Latios Lore]This card is also treated as a Winged Beast-Type. This card cannot be Special Summoned, it can only be Normal Summoned or Set by Tributing 2 Winged Beast-Type monsters on your side of the field. When this card inflict Damage to your Opponent's Life Points, you may see the first card in your Opponent's Deck, if its a monster, remove it from play, if its a Trap card, inflict 100 of Directly Damage to your Opponent's Life Points, if its a Spell card, you gains 100 Life Points.




[spoiler=New Version]



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1/10 What do favorites have in special' date=' to be exact?



Ok, I will tell you because its look like that nobody get the idea, the Favorite Card its just a card recolored and with the Type "Favorite Card" to show the other that that card is your favorite. I didn't create this to be a playable one.

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