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UPDATED: Synchro Deck, just want to modify it.

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UPDATED: Synchro Deck, just want to modify it.

Okay so my deck focuses on synchro summoning good monsters and keeping them alive, so Creative and tell me what to remove and what to add. UPDATED. Please comment again! xD Thank you, and no sarcastic comments, haters, or people who hate yugioh. lol.




Speed warrior x2

The tricky x3

Counselor Lily x1

Junk Synchron x2

Marauding Captain x2

Turret Warrior x1

Psychic Commander x1

Nitro synchron x1

Dark Tinker x1

The Fiend megacyber x1






Lighting Vortex x1

Mystical space typhoon x1

Brain Control x1

Heavy storm x1

Swords of revealing light x1

Tribute to the doomed x1

Emergency teleport x1

Gaia Power x1

cold wave x1

Mage Power x1





Defense Draw x2

Sakuretsu Armor x1

Proof of Powerlessness x1

Magic Jammer x1

Mirror Force x1

Seven Tools of the Bandit x1

Magical arm shield x1

Graceful revival x1




Extra deck


Avenging Knight Parashath x2

Stardust dragon x1

Red Dragon Archfiend x1

Magical android x1

Junk warrior x2

X-Saber Urbellum x1

Goyo Gaurdian x1

Ancient fairy Dragon x1

Turbo warrior x1

Nitro Warrior x1

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