Guest Posted September 15, 2009 Report Share Posted September 15, 2009 In an attempt to teach thoses who want it, I am keeping to my promise of starting a school to help people learn to RP or to build on their current skills. Pretty much the point of this is so anyone who wants to learn or anyone who wants to a part of a advanced RP can actually do that with a program designed just for them by one of the select "teachers". Hopefully someone will take the change and improve their writing while being able to have more fun. Time zone: (When are you usually on.) How long have you been Roleplaying: (Just how long you've been at it.) Your area of Roleplay: (The usual genre of Roleplays that you tend to join.) What you want to learn: (This is pretty much a way for us teachers to design a program that will work for you.) A example of your Roleplaying: (Again this is so your teacher could set up a program that will work for you.) Availble Teachers: (Two more will be added later.) Me (Shadius)RinnePaRaDoXHayate MasaruUmbra If you do not the form you will be ignored. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Death Bishop Posted September 15, 2009 Report Share Posted September 15, 2009 Time zone: 3:00 PM, 4:30 PM. How long have you been Roleplaying: 1 year. Your area of Roleplay: All the Roleplays I've joined are locked now because of spam, but I was in the WWE Roleplay (Original), The Ruubix Qube. What you want to learn: I want to learn how to create a successful Roleplay and how to attcract people to join in (example, something that hasn't been done yet). A example of your Roleplaying: All my Roleplays have failed, so that's why I need help! Available Teachers: Not fussed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coyote Starrk¤ Posted September 15, 2009 Report Share Posted September 15, 2009 Time zone: 7:00 PM - 9:30PM [i'm usually in then] How long have you been Roleplaying: Not very long. Maximum a month. Your area of Roleplay: Shonen Jump series What you want to learn: I wanna learn how to make a succesful Role Play & I wanna learn grammar of role playing. A example of your Roleplaying: I'm to awful. That's why i need the teaching's. Availble Teachers: Anyone should be fine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Namo™ Posted September 16, 2009 Report Share Posted September 16, 2009 Time zone: 4:00 - 10:00 EST time How long have you been Roleplaying: IDK 2 years now Your area of Roleplay: There is no genre, I join roleplays with things that I know will interest me and I know what the storyline is, like I will join a YGO RP cause I know YGO, I made a RP of FF for the than cause he was terrible at grammar and I wanted to join XD cause I like FF What you want to learn: Anything you can, maybe teaching me how to get people to join [spoiler=A example of your Roleplaying]After walking with Mina to the Hotel Mina signs in and Akihiko then takes a walk by himself when he takes out a blank black notebook when a guy in a rush bumps into Akihiko causing him to drop his book."Oh I'm sorry I was trying to get to work" The guy says as he picks up Akihiko's book"No!..." he yelled but it was too late the man had already picked it up!"Huh? whats the prob..AH! what is that?" the man yells seeing a creature behind Akihiko"... You can see him huh?""What is that!?""First you must tell me your name and where you work""I work at the American NPA my name is kraw Machintosh" Akihiko then writes down the mans name in the notebook and waits but nothing happens"funk! an alias" He thinks to himself "Go to work' date=' but you must never tell anyone that we have met and you cant tell anyone what you have seen today GOT ME!?""Yes" says the man as he runs to his job...[/quote'] Available Teachers: Anyone really, maybe Rinne, S/he is cool :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted September 16, 2009 Report Share Posted September 16, 2009 Do I have to fill in that Available Teachers thing? 0_0 It's helpful for us, because we each work differently with our "students," so we want to know if you have any preference. Classes will begin soon, BTW. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Namo™ Posted September 16, 2009 Report Share Posted September 16, 2009 There Edited! :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Death Bishop Posted September 16, 2009 Report Share Posted September 16, 2009 Okay, I'll come back to this thread when it's ready. ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soul Legacy Posted September 16, 2009 Report Share Posted September 16, 2009 Time zone: TUESDAY - FRIDAY: 5:30PM - 9:00PMSATURDAY - SUNDAY: 11:00AM - 22:00PM (I come on on off, don't sit here the whole 11 hours) How long have you been Roleplaying: 1 Year 9 Month's Your area of Roleplay: Action/Adventure or Mystery/Romance What you want to learn: I want to learn to make my posts more descriptive and get an intresting RP setting right. A example of your Roleplaying:Yuri ignored the rain. He hated it yes' date=' but who really gave a damn. Alice would have, she would have made him wear a coat. But that was the past. Far in the past for Yuri, he had to stand firm and keep on walking. He had got over her death, but his thought's wouldn't stop drifting off to her. If anything, he couldn't keep her as a memory; he loved her too much. Yuri made his way through the pacing crowd quickly and swiftly, and anyone who couldn't be asked to step out of the way he knocked down. He sighed with a little grin as one of the many people he had knocked finally began to complain. It was a red head 16 year old who looked like a bag of sh*t that had rotten over for 6 months. Yuri turned to face the girl after she pushed him and laughed. "Look sweetheart. You didn't want to step out the way so fine by me, I'll just knock you down. If you don't like it, tough." The girl pulled a smug face and launched her fist at Yuri. He quickly grabbed it and gripped it tight, making her yelp in pain. "Now now, thats no way to treat a decent member of the public..." The girl snarled back, "you can't say much!" Yuri laughed and pushed her to the ground. "I said 'decent' honey. You don't seem to fit in that catogory..." He then swiftly turned and continued to walk. The girl decided to follow him again but when he turned around to face her again there was a wicked flicker in his eye. The girl stopped and backed away. [i'] "crap, my power..." [/i] Yuri thought as he quicky paced away. The girl ran in the oppisite direction to obviously go and say something. But Yuri was confident nobody would believe her, not in her state. Availble Teachers: You'd be great Shadius please. But if not then im happy with either Rinne or PaRaDoX Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 16, 2009 Report Share Posted September 16, 2009 Ok just so everyone knows classes will probably start this weekend since I'm really sick at the moment so for now just sign up and the classes will be setup soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riku Posted September 17, 2009 Report Share Posted September 17, 2009 Time zone: Varys, parents divorced, I got homework and everything else usually 4:00PM-5/6:00 PM EST. How long have you been Roleplaying: 2 months 3 max. Your area of Roleplay: Game based ones (Gears of War, Halo etc.) Realistic Army games. and evenLife Roleplays What you want to learn: I want to be able to get more detail and have long posts all the time like my example not no. "Derek looked to his right and sat down in the chair". A example of your Roleplaying: Kyle looked at the man in the ruined crimson armor. "No.... I'm leaving to go finish this war! I know I will find supplies along the way! I may even be able to find some troops that know this area unlike I do!" Kyle shouted in annoince. "You can stay and get whatever you want' date=' but I am leaving." Kyle sighed knowing that he would certainly die. Kyle looked at his weapons with no ammo then the path. "I need to do this!" Kyle said as he ran up the grassy path. The first thing he did after he got up there was hide behind a rock. "Crap..." They're are like 13 troops and 2 heavy infantry." He wispered to himself as he grabbed his only grenade. Kyle pulled the pin, kissed the grenade then blind threw it hoping luck was on his side. He waited and then .... BOOM! a loud explosion killed some grunts and one brute. "Haha! Take that!" He shouted as he got up to grab a weapon.[/quote'] Availble Teachers: Rinne or you, I don't mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soul Legacy Posted September 17, 2009 Report Share Posted September 17, 2009 Ok just so everyone knows classes will probably start this weekend since I'm really sick at the moment so for now just sign up and the classes will be setup soon Sorry to here that D: Ok I'll be here on Sunday (I've got a wedding on Saturday.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenrir Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Time zone: 8:00 AM - 9:30 PM (Eastern Time zone) How long have you been Roleplaying: 2 years tops. Your area of Roleplay: I'm a Jack-of-all-trades really, as long as the RP is interesting, I'll join it. What you want to learn: Well, comparing myself to other RPers, there's usually a difference in level. I know what there is too an RP, and how to RP, but when I look at my posts, I think that they are lacking quality. [spoiler=A example of your Roleplaying]Boom. Lightning struck in mid jump. It had struck a small shrub by his bounty. The small flash of light had given away his position, but Dominic simply smirked. After all, it was funner like this. The man gave a small scream and ran faster, mud being shot into the air by his running. Without wasting a second, Dominic twisted his body in mid-air, and slashed the back of the man's shirt. Landing infront of him, he pointed his dagger at his victim. His face was now lax, as if he was just a lazy ass-wipe. Steal caught in the fear of dieing, the man continued to run, unaware of the dagger. It was over in a couple of seconds. A stab to the neck, no struggle. That's what they would say. Police would look around, and most likely find Dominic's mark. Or, as he was called in the Bounty Hunter world, Fenrir. It was usually a sword with chains wrapping around it. He probably would go tell his hirer after the kill, but instead, walked back towards the forest behind him. Available Teachers: Preferably Rinne, but any is fine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Kay. Fenrir, grimreaper450, Namo, you guys are all in my class. We will be focusing our class around a single RP, which is located here. Good luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Death Bishop Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Kay. Fenrir' date=' grimreaper450, Namo, you guys are all in my class. We will be focusing our class around a single RP, which is located here. Good luck!Awwe, denied by Rinne. =( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Kay. Fenrir' date=' grimreaper450, Namo, you guys are all in my class. We will be focusing our class around a single RP, which is located here. Good luck!Awwe, denied by Rinne. =( I was giving priority to people who specifically asked for me. If you want to be in my class, I do believe that one more slot wouldn't hurt... *wink* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Death Bishop Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 *Feels loved* Sure. ;D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 *Feels loved* Sure. ;D 'Kay. For all other applicants' date=' [b']I am not accepting any more students.[/b] Let Shady or Ruby teach you instead; they need some love, too. ;D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Death Bishop Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 xD SHARE TEH LOVE! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shadowferret Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Time zone: Right now the clock says 3 AM... on the Forum clock. I'm usually on when that clock says Midnight, until it says 2 AM... weekends, they vary greatly. How long have you been Roleplaying: I think it's been almost five years now...? Your area of Roleplay: Survival, Horror, Yugiou, Spiritual, Supernatural, Adventure, and Comedy. What you want to learn: I look around and see that my posts are usually kinda lacking that defining quality to really make them good compared to some of the others' posts... I wanna improve the quality of my posts. A example of your Roleplaying:[spoiler=Sorry if it's a little long-winded, but I think it's my best post yet... >_>]Heinrich awoke choking up water.He quickly sat upward, expelling as much liquid as he could from his throat."What the...?" He felt his back soaked. His lower half was completely soaked and frigid as well."Where... is this place....?" Standing to his feet, Heinrich became aware of the water falling on him. He looked up to the source of the rain."Now.... that doesn't make sense." On the ceiling, there was only a small hole about the size of a person. It looked like if he somehow got up there, he could barely squeeze in.However, rain fell like normal. It defied all kinds of logic, but so did most of this situation."So now.... what do I do?" Heinrich looked down at the ground, and noticed that the rain had nowhere to drain from. The water level was slowly rising up his legs, and he soon realized that eventually, the water would engulf him."Crap, crap, crap, crap..." Then, another realization. "Wait, if the water rises, then I can eventually float to the top and get out through that hole!" Heinrich felt so clever at this thought. So now, all he had to do was wait. "Figures." When the water had gotten close to the top, he noticed an iron grid below the ceiling. It was much too thick to try to break through, and the links were much too tight to squeeze through. "Back to panic mode..." As he began looking around frantically for a way through the grid, he didn't notice the Thing.Heinrich was about to peek through the iron grid when a large set of claws slammed down, startling him and causing him to drop a little in the water. When he resurfaced through the water, the nearest claw was inches from his face. A set of huge teeth greeted him as he looked up into the creature's face. It had no eyes. It had no ears. The face just looked like a head with teeth. The beast was a quadriped, and on each foot it had huge claws. It was a pure black colour, and it had a very deep growl."What the hell is that?!" It snarled once more at him, before charging at the wall nearest it. It crashed through, and Heinrich could hear a rumbling throughout the walls. He had a bad feeling about what would come next. A loud crashing like an explosion was heard, and Heinrich looked down. Rubble flew through the water, and the creature propelled itself like a jet towards him."Oh, bugger..." He watched as it sped towards him, teeth bared. There was no way he could escape that quickly.He felt a tugging, though, and realized the massive hole in the wall was acting as a vacuum for the water. He got pulled away by the new current, and the creature almost got him. It sped by right behind him as he fell through the hole, into a kind of tunnel. You have many paths before you to choose from... Trust your heart, and Destiny will tell you which paths to take... That voice again. Heinrich closed his eyes for a second, trying to calm his heart down. When he opened his eyes, he felt an odd strength throughout all of his limbs.The water rushed down through the tunnels, rushing him through them at a high speed. Behind him, the Beast was rushing towards him, so Heinrich had to push himself forward a little just to avoid being devoured. The first fork came quickly. He had no time to choose -- left or right?He blinked for a second, and before he knew it he was speeding down the left path. He felt the tunnel curve somewhat upward. The water pushed him up the path, and the blood rushed to his head a little as he turned upside down. The Beast came closer, and snapped its jaws once at him. He barely avoided its deadly grip, and felt himself being propelled on a level path again.The water rushed beneath him, pushing him fast towards another fork. Not knowing which path to take, he started panicking again.The Beast clawed at him, ripping his shirt a little, and scratching his back. He tried to jump forward to dodge, but failed, and hit the wall at an angle. He bounced, and ended up falling down the path on the right. Thankfully, he still went rushing ahead, and he thought he chose the correct path.Unfortunately, though, the Beast followed him. He sped forward as much as he could not wanting to receive another swipe from the creature.He learned how to anticipate the attacks pretty well, and when the next fork camee was when the trouble began. He thought to take the right path again, but at the last second chose to take the left path instead. The Beast followed, and within three seconds he felt himself hurtling through the air. The tunnel had ended, and he looked down. The water fell into the abyss below, and he saw nothing around at all. You have strayed from the path of your Destiny... You must get back onto your path or be lost Forever... Looking back, the Beast was soaring through the air behind him. The water was still rushing below them.He did his best to turn around in the air and face the Beast. Heinrich didn't know why he did what he did. He just felt the urge to do it.The Beast opened its mouth, and engulfed him into its mouth. It was large enough to fit his whole body in it, and the teeth were razor sharp. He curled up into the back of the Beast's mouth, not wanting to get chewed up.Outside of the Beast's body, it sprouted wings, and flew back to the large room. It had tried chewing Heinrich the whole time, but he kept dodging its teeth. It wasn't a very easy task.When he heard the clash of metal versus claw, he knew he was back in The Room. He kicked at the Beast's teeth, trying to break out, but failed."Oh, come on! I've gotten this far!" He began kicking at the Beast's gums, and at the roof of its mouth. Finally, he found the back of the throat, and kicked it as hard as he could."Have you got a gag reflex? Let's see!" The creature choked a little, and quickly spit him out. Heinrich rolled along the metal for a second, then stood up, covered in water and saliva.He ran towards the Beast, and as it opened its jaws, Heinrich leapt in the air. It looked close enough. He thought he could do it.As he jumped through the air, he looked down and saw that all the water had drained out.Heinrich landed on the Beast's back, and climbed up one of its massive wings. He used it as a support to climb up the hole, and almost had his leg bit off as he finished climbing through. He'd escaped. Your Destiny awaits you... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soul Legacy Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 *Feels loved* Sure. ;D 'Kay. For all other applicants' date=' [b']I am not accepting any more students.[/b] Let Shady or Ruby teach you instead; they need some love, too. ;D I'll sit here and wait for them. I've got a whole heart of love! XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Ill take Javier, Soul and the rat/ferret thing.... XD Anyways do you all have msn? I find it better for teaching Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Ill take Javier' date=' Soul and the rat/ferret thing.... XD Anyways do you all have msn? I find it better for teaching[/quote'] I took Javier; sorry. xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coyote Starrk¤ Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 And nobody picks me :'( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shadowferret Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Ill take Javier' date=' Soul and the rat/ferret thing.... XD Anyways do you all have msn? I find it better for teaching[/quote'] *hiss*Thanks. I feel loved. I have MSN...[spoiler=I'm unoriginal when it comes to usernames.]My MSN is [email protected] . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freeshooter Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Time zone: Pacific and Canada. I'm usually on around 4:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. But on occasion I'll be on sooner depending on if I take the local transit home from school or my brother-in-law picks me up. The bus comes to my school around 3:05 - 3:20. And then it's a 10-15 minute bus ride. How long have you been Roleplaying: About a year - a year and a half. Your area of Roleplay: Anime, Drama, or Action/Adventure. What you want to learn: I need to be more descriptive, and... Well, I would like somebody to see if they could pick out the flaws in my Roleplaying. [spoiler=I'm posting two examples]The beast that looked somehow, otherworldly, lunged at Lyle, sending him flying backwards "Gack! Damnit!" Lyle yelled when he stopped flying. "You! Get away from this place!" The creature that had addressed himself as Strikedramon. "What? Why!? I've been here plenty of times, and I've NEVER seen you before!" Lyle yelled at Strikedramon "Fool! This is the Digital World!" "What?!" Lyle stood there, surprised. "Yes, the Digital World. Now, do you need to find your way home?" Strikedramon cackled "No... But still, by the look of your world, and the fact that because of this "Digivice" I turned you from a shrimp into this, you need my help." Lyle said. "Grr..." Strikedramon growled "Fine, I'll let you travel with me." Strikedramon finally said. Then, the pair set out. (From Phantom Roxas' "Digimon: Seven Demon Lords {Remake} [F13]") The Final Aeon. A creature created in Zanarkand, by a Summoners guardian sacrificing their souls, as a tribute. Jecht. The Final Aeon of High Summoner Braska. Jecht sneered at the fact he had been summoned again by Chaos, as he was pleased that he would have a second shot at killing that being he calls a son. "Let's get this started, then!" Jecht yelled through the small multitude of warriors at Chaos. "Screw this! I'm getting a move on." Jecht yelled to Chaos. Cefca laughed at how impatient Jecht was. Jecht turned around, glaring at Cefca, and let out a large roar. He may have been in control, but he was still part Aeon. Jecht then turned swiftly, and stomped away angrily, grumbling curses about Cefca. (From Phantom Roxas' "Dissidia Final Fantasy: Smash Royale") Available Teachers: Anyone will do. I would prefer Shade or Rinne, if at all possible. (No offense to you PaRaDoX, I've just never seen your Roleplaying.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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