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DeadWings Deck Contest-contest ended now judging


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if ya cant figure out what deadwings is i lol at you...

any ways its basicly zomie world+Blackwings so heres the rules


must be a 40 card deck, no more no less.

must include 1 DAD.

must include 3 Z-World.

and finaly it must be design to be at least somewhat competitive.


Prizes will be:

1st place +3rep

2nd place +2rep

3rd place +1rep


i would also like someone to help judge the contest

anyone who wants to become a judge must have at least 4 stars and will be +rep

i will only except up to 3 judges


contest will end on the 21st of this month or when i get 10 entries




Psycho Shocker Android





Tickle Me Emo

Crimson General

Dark Seraphim




1st-Tickle Me Emo

2nd-Crimson General

3rd-Dark Seraphim

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I like Zombies. I'll probably fail at this, but I'll give it a try.



Dark Armed Dragon x1

Blackwing - Gale The Whirlwind x1

Blackwing - Kalut The Moon Shadow x3

Blackwing - Shura The Blue Flame x3

Blackwing - Bora The Spear x3

Blackwing - Sirocco The Dawn x2

Il Blud x2

Zombie Master x3

Plaguespreader Zombie x1



Zombie World x3

Terraforming x2

Book Of Life x3

Card Destruction

Black Whirlwind x3

Giant Trunade

Mystical Space Typhoon

Smashing Ground

Lightning Vortex x2



Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force

Delta Crow - Anti Reverse x2


Extra Deck:

Generic + Blackwing and Zombie Synchros




I fail at Blackwings.


EDIT: I almost forgot the DAD. >>

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1- DAD

1- BW - Gale the Whirlwind

2- BW - Sirrocco the Dawn

1- BW - Elphin the Raven

2- BW - Vayu the Emblem of Honor

2- BW - Shura the Blue Flame

3- BW - Kalut the Moon Shadow

1- Plaguespreader

2- Mezuki

3- Zombie Master

2- Pyramid Turtle

2- Goblin Zombie



3- Zombie World

2- Foolish Burial

2- Allure of Darkness

2- Burial from a different Dimension

1- Heavy Storm

1- Lightning Vortex

3- Book of Life



1- Torrential

2- Bottomless

1- Mirror Force


Extra Deck(15)

3- BW - Armor master

2- BW - Armed Wing

2- BW - Lone Silver Wind (if it doesn't count, w/e)

1- Stardust Dragon

1- Red Dragon Archfiend

1- Black Rose Dragon

1- Goyo Guardian

1- Doomkaiser Dragon

2- Gaia Knight Force of Earth

1- Colossal Fighter


Dumping and removing in grave to do stupid synchroing over and over and over.

Burials are to replenish Mezuki's, Plague, and Vayus/parts.


I wanna test this :D

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Monsters: [22]

1| Dark Armed Dragon

2| Sirocco

3| Bora

3| Zombie Master

3| Kalut

2| Shura

2| Blizzard

2| Vayu

2| Mezuki

1| Gale

1| Plaguespreader Zombie


Spells: [14]

3| Zombie World

3| Book of Life

3| Black Whirlwind

2| Allure of Darkness

2| Burial from a DD

1| Heavy Storm


Traps: [4]

2| Bottomless Trap Hole

1| Call of the Haunted

1| Mirror Force

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Am i to late to enter?


21 Monsters:


01 Dark Armed Dragon


02 Ryu Kokki

01 Ill Blud


03 Zombie Master

02 Mizuki

03 Pyramide Turtle

01 Plaguespreader Zombie


03 Shura

02 Bora

02 Blizzard

01 Gale


13 Spells:


03 Zombie World

03 Book Of Life

02 Allure Of Darkness

02 Burail From A D.D.

01 Heavy Storm

01 Gaint Trunade

01 Brain Controle



06 Traps:


02 Bottomless Trap Hole

02 Threatning Roar

01 Call Of The Haunted

01 Torrential Tribute

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