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Sins of the Seven


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I probebly know what you're thinking: "Yet another set based on the Seven Deadly Sins", and you're right! (If you thought that)

But I'm reposting (and editing) all of my older Sets. so here is my very first set ever made!

They're 30 cards.


(Their maybe some OGC errors left and some may be to OP, so if you see some, tell me)


[spoiler=Lore] When this card destroys an opponents monster as result of Battle, inflict damage to your opponents Life Points equal to the destroyed monster's level x 100. During the End Phase of a turn, this card attacked, place this card in face-up Defense Position.




[spoiler=Lore] Once per turn, when "The Sinning King" is Face up on the field, you can equip this card to a monster you control, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up attack position. While equipped to a monster by this effect, the DEF of the equipped monster becomes 3000 and can attack from Defence position. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, this card is destroyed instaid.)




[spoiler=Lore] FLIP: Place 5 Countdown Counters on this card. During each End Phase, remove 1 Countdown Counter from this card. When there are no Countdown Counter(s) on this card, destroy all Face-up monsters on the field. Both players lose life points equal to the total number of stars of the destroyed monsters x 100.







[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be special summoned exept by removing a number of cards from your Graveyard from play (max 8 ). This cards original ATK and DEF points are equel to the number of cards you removed from play to Summon this card x 500. During each End Phase that this card remains face-up on the field, Remove 1 card from your hand, Graveyard or field from Play, if you cannot, this card is destroyed.



[spoiler=Lore] As long as this card remains face-up on the field, You can Draw 1 extra card during your Draw Phase. When this card is selected as an attack target, you can Negate the attack, if you choose to do so you lose life points equel to halve the ATK of the attacking monster.





[spoiler=Lore] When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard as result of battle, select and destroy 1 monster. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard by the effect of an Spell or Trap Card, destroy 2 Spell or Trap cards. When this card is sent from your hand to the Graveyard, destroy 3 cards.






[spoiler=Lore] This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be special Summoned exept by removing the following cards in your graveyard from play: "Pride, the sinfull", "Wrath, the sinfull", "Greed, the Sinfull", "Sloth, the Sinfull", Lust, the sinfull", "Envy, the Sinfull" and "Gluttony, the Sinfull". Once per turn, you can toss 3 coins, when all 3 are Tails, all card's on your opponents side of the field are Removed from Play.






[spoiler=Lore] "Knight of Sins" + "The Sinning King" + "Fortress of Sins"

This card can only be Fusion Summoned by sending the above cards from the field to the Graveyard. Increase this card's ATK and DEF by 300 for every card in your Graveyard with "Sin(s)", "the Sinfull" or "Sinning" in its name or is called "Dark dragon of the commandments". Each time this card destroyes a non-DARK monster in battle, inflict, 600 points of damage to its owner. If this card inficts battle damage to your opponents life points Remove the top 3 cards from his/her Deck out of play. This card cannot be destroyed as result of battle.





[spoiler=Lore] Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you gain Life points equal to the amount of DARK Fiend-Type monsters in your Graveyard x 300. Each time a monster with "Sin(s)" or "The Sinfull" in it's name or is called "Dark Dragon of the Commandments" inflicts Battle damage to your opponents Life points, discard the top card of your opponents Deck.
















[spoiler=Lore] This card can only be activated when a DARK Fiend-Type monster is attacked. Flip 1 coin and activate the correct effect:

# Heads: Negate the attack and destroy the attacking monster.

# Tails: Your opponent loses Life points equal to Half of the original ATK of the attacked monster.


May be bland



[spoiler=Lore] This card can only be activated, when a monster with "Sin(s)", "The Sinfull" or "Sinning" in its name or is called "Dark Dragon of the Commandments" is destroyed sent to the Graveyard. Remove that monster from Play to Special Summon 1 "Sin Token" (Fiend-Type/DARK/ level 1/ATK ?/DEF ?) to the field in face-up Defence positions, the name and ATK/DEF of the "Sin Token" are treated as the removed monster's. The Togen cannot Attack or be used for a Tribute.






There's no img credit becouse I don't have all the pics anymore, But their from various DeviantArtist's.

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1st Card.When this card destroyes an opponent's monster as result of Battle, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the destroyed monster's level x 100. During the End Phase of a turn, this card attacked, place this card in face-up Defense Position.




Ah ...made mistakes myself ^^ the "'s" was missing^^

Just corrected 1 by now..I will check more of them...But nice set..


I think i should remake my older ones too..i started with one..but im not motivated enough for it ^^

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