ThatPhantomGuy Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 ________________________________________/|An R.P.820 Production|\________________________________________ This is our first ever RP, we have been working long and hard on this so it would be perfect. So now with great pleasure, R.P.820 presents: ______/|Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: New Duel Academy, Return of 5D's|\______ 15 years after the fall of the Dark Signers, Yusei Fudo was asked to be the Chancellor at Duel Academy. The benefactor, Seto Kaiba, wanted him since he was considered the best duelist of the time. In these 15 years the four Signers’ Dragons disappeared. Supposedly, new ones have popped up around the world, with new Signers owning them. The world’s most promising Duelists, and even amateurs who show no signs of promise, except those with duel spirit, psychic, or Signer tendencies, have been invited and brief letters sent out. Others are allowed to enter, but they aren’t able to join the Obelisk dorm. Are you ready? The Adventure begins!!! NOTE: Please start PMing your App. forums any one of us: 820reborn, Kazekage-------Gaara, or ThePhantomDuelist. [spoiler=Please Read the Rules]1. All YCM rules.2. No Flaming.3. No God Moding.4. No OP'd cards or Pop Culture cards.5. Do NOT post anything if you are not a member of the fan fic. If you wish to know information about our fan fic, PM any one of us: 820reborn, Kazekage-------Gaara, or ThePhantomDuelist.6. PM the App. of your character to either 820reborn, Kazekage-------Gaara, or ThePhantomDuelist.7. You must join our club, R.P.820, first before joining this RP [spoiler=Character App.]Name: Age: Gender: Eye Color: Hairstyle/Color:[spoiler=[b]Avatar or Picture[/b]](Optional) Representing: (Country)Dorm:Clothing: D-Wheel: (Optional)Deck Type: Favorite Card/Key Card: Duel Spirit: (Optional)Personality:Biography: [spoiler=The 5 Dragons][spoiler=Hades(Hagi)] [spoiler=Athena (Aijay)] [spoiler=Gaia(Issac)] [spoiler=Aries(Hikiri)] [spoiler=Aeolus(Ryouta)] [spoiler=Characters/Dorms][spoiler=[b]Teachers[/b]][spoiler=Neo]Name: Neo Dark (ネオダーク)Age: 27Gender: MaleEye Color: GreenHairstyle/Color: He has medium-long, dark brown hair, with some covering most of his right eye.Clothing: Neo wears a black and white teacher uniform with thin, white gloves and black pants. But usually wears a suit when off duty.[spoiler=[b]Neo's Avatar(s)[/b]][spoiler=Headmaster Uniform][spoiler=Normal/Off Duty][spoiler=D-Wheel Outfit] Representing: Great BritainDorm: Neo watches over all the dorms and works directly under Yusei, but resides in Obelisk Blue.D-Wheel: Neo has a black Duel Runner with dark green lining. It is currently being transported to the Academy.Deck Type: Unknown Deck(s)Favorite Card/Key Card: The TrickyDuel Spirit: The TrickyPersonality: Neo acts as polite as he can, he's mostly easy-going. He likes to duel strong duelist and enjoys dueling altogether. He hates when an upper-class duelist thinks lowly of a weaker duelist. He's pretty natural when it comes to talking to ladies. He'll go out of his way to help a friend in need.Biography: He comes from a well-known rich family in Britain. Neo has a 20 year old sister, Nikko, his father and mother work together with KaibaCorp., since the Darks have their own company, PhantomCorp. (ファントム株式会社). He has psychic abilities and the power to acess the Shadow Relem. Neo obtained these powers when his Duel Spirit, The Tricky, was infused with him in a duel long ago. His powers are mostly kept a secret, known only to those close to him. Neo recieved an invitation to become a headmaster working directly under the Chancellor. He is close friends with Aijay and Rag. [spoiler=Nikko]Name: Nikko Dark (日光ダーク)Age: 20Gender: Female Eye Color: BlueHairstyle/Color: Blonde.[spoiler=[b]Nikko's Avatar(s)[/b]][spoiler=Obelisk Blue Headmaster Uniform][spoiler=Off Duty][spoiler=D-Wheel Outfit][spoiler=Elegant Dress] Representing: Great Britain Dorm: Obelisk Blue (Girl's Dorm) Headmaster/TeacherClothing: Nikko wears the Obelisk Girls Headmaster uniform. Whe she is off duty she usually wears a tight black, sleeveless shirt, with a grey mini skirt.D-Wheel: Nikko has a sky blue duel runner with white lining and a Kuriboh logo on the side.Deck Type: Fairy, Harpie, Cyber GirlsFavorite Card/Key Card: The Splendid Venus Personality: Nikko is kind, caring, keeps an eye out for cute boys, and looks out for her younger female students.Biography: Nikko is Neo's brother and the youngest Dark sibling. She can see and talk to duel spirits, but has none of her own. Nikko was saved by Neo 13 years ago from a mysterious masked man. Nikko is a pretty good duelist and doesn't mind dueling. She enters the Academy late as the Obelisk Blue Girls Headmaster unknown to Neo. [spoiler=Arktick]Name: ArktickAge: 22Gender: MaleEye Color: BlueHairstyle/Color: Silky white, medium-longAvatar or Picture: N/ARepresenting: FinlandDorm: TeacherClothing: He wears an all white suit, gloves and a fedora. Sometimes he wears white sunglasses with reflective orange lenses.D-Wheel: N/A (Speed messes up hair/clothes)Deck Name: Night of HorrorFavorite Card/Key Card/Duel Spirit:[spoiler=[b]Card[/b]] Personality: He is very meticulous and tidy. He is a self-proclaimed proper gentleman, and he thinks everyone else should be too. However, he's a sucker for a pretty girl.Biography: Arktick has basically been a natural at dueling all his life. He's competed against world champions and gotten the better of them. However, he has refused fame and fortune to become a teacher, since he misses 'the good old days' when he was in school, and now, this is the closest he'll come to going back. [spoiler=[color=#0000CD]Obelisk Blue Girls[/color]][spoiler=Aijay]Name: Aijay Age: 17 Gender: Lady Eye Color: Crystal pink Hairstyle/Color: Long and straight. Blonde.Representing:Dorm: Obelisk BlueClothing: White half-jacket and tight pink shirt. Tight blue jeans and blue heels. Deck Type: Valkyrie, Star, Witch Favorite/Key Card: Celestial Dragon: AthenaPersonality: Rude, arrogant.Biography: Reigning European Champion, Aijay has come to Duel Academy many times. Now she has a new objective: Become World Champion. She knows she can do it, with a little inspiration...Signer Mark: Wings [spoiler=[color=#0000CD]Obelisk Blue[/color]][spoiler=Rag]Name: RagAge: 17Gender: MaleEye Color: BlueHairstyle/Color: Medium length, Dark Blue[spoiler=[b]Rag's Avatar(s)[/b]] Representing: AmericaDorm: Obelisk BlueClothing: Red Jacket, Blue Jeans, red shoes. Wears a long black coat Sometimes.D-Wheel: Rag has a scarlet version of Jack Atlas's D-Wheel.Deck Type: CybersFavorite Card/Key Card: Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. Duel Spirit: Red Eyes B. ChickPersonality: Social, kind, disarming. Always thinkingBiography: Rag has been at DA before, but had to leave this year and come late. His cousin, Girlfriend, and Favorite Teacher are all there waiting. [spoiler=Hagi]Name: Hagi NelonditeAge: 15Gender: MaleEye Color: BlackHairstyle/Color: Dark Brown, Medium-length[spoiler=[b]Hagi's Avatar(s)[/b]] Representing: Great BritainDorm: Obelisk BlueClothing: A suit-like thingDeck Type: Crystal Beasts, and a DARK Deck Favorite Card/Key Card: Rainbow Dragon/Rainbow Dark Dragon/ Abyssal Dragon: HadesPersonality: Hagi is very reserved. You could almost say Anti-Social. He is a good person though. Plagued by dark thoughts. Biography: Hagi is from a small town in England. He has, unlike a distant relative, no Spirits. He gets along well with people, but he cannot initate conversation most of the time. He has a cello and is good at playing it. He has dark feelings and thoughts tugging at his heart a lot, and might give in. He is a cousin of Rag.Signer mark: Hand/Front Claw [spoiler=Hikiri]Name: HirikiriAge: 18Gender: MaleEye Color: GreenHairstyle/Color: Mohawk black with blue tips.Representing:Dorm: Obelisk BlueClothing: Wears Black shirt with Archfiend printed across it and wears black jeans and black shoesDeck Type: Pandemonium, Fiend InvationFavorite Card/Key Card: Celestial Dragon: AriesPersonality: Cool calm and collected until he wakes up then all heck brakes loose.Biography: Grew up on the streets and got in the Academy by acing all the test and winning a duel. Doesn't care much about his family and is a full out partier. [spoiler=Chris]Name: Chris ZombireAge: 18Gender: MaleEye Color: RedHaristyle/Color: Mid Length Black hair to his shouldersRepresenting:Dorm: Obelisk BlueClothing: Red cloak with a hood also wears steel gauntlets and is rarley ever seen withour a sword in sheath on his back his gauntlets and boots are very well decorated with symbols and carvingsDeck Type: Zombie, Fiend, D.D.Favorite/Key Card: The Wicked AvatarPersonality: Cool and composed dosent like to fight unless absolutley neccesary likes to read especially poetry&plays feels extreme loyalty to friendsBiography: While Raiden THOUGHT Magus killed his friends at SKY academy they managed to escape and now though they are seperated chris seeks Tyler Raiden and all of his friends so that Magus can be soundly defeated again his travels have led him here now. [spoiler=[color=#FFA500]Ra Yellow[/color]][spoiler=Issac]Name: Isaac AlvordAge: 16Gender: MaleEye Color: Dark blueHairstyle/Color: Straight dirty blond, doesn't come down much farther than the bottom of his ears.Representing: FranceDorm: Ra yellowClothing: Generally wears the uniform (more yellow version), when he's not he generally wears long sleeved shirts and jeans, but again he hardly ever wears casual clothes.Deck Type: Greek alphabet warriors (original cards, a bunch of warriors named after the greek alphabet and generally their effects affect specific zones, not always though), other deck is my deck in real life, a fire and light deck. When I use that one I'll actually use my real deck so who knows I'll probably lose more with it.Favorite Card/Key Card: [spoiler=Isaac's Favorite card] Effect: This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned except by removing from play from your field or Graveyard 2 monsters with "the Ancient Swordsman" in their card name. This card is also treated as a DARK monster. During their own Battle Phase each player selects 2 monsters they control, this effect does not apply if a player controls 1 or 0 monsters. The selected monsters must be in the same position and both must attack or not attack in a given turn. The selected monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF until the next Endphase. Personality: Tries to appear happy though generally people annoy him. Isn't cocky but is quite confident in his skills. Generally he doesn't try to make too many friends especially since most people tend to annoy him. Having been accepted to Duel acadamy he obvious loves dueling.Biography: [spoiler=Bio in spoiler because it's a bit long, not horribly long just not one paragraph]Isaac is an relatively unknown duelist from Northern France. He grew up in a rather poor family but when he came across Duel Monsters he knew he found something he loved. His family would try to get him more cards when they could because they loved to see him happy. One day when he was 12 he noticed something strange after he finished duels. If he won the person sort of blanked out and when they regained their focus they seemed to have forgotten the duel and the few hours before. He seemed to remember what they did in the time they seemed to have forgotten. Soon someone at a tournament recognized he was a psychic duelist. The person helped him to control and enhance his powers to the point where he could make someone forget whatever frame of time he wanted them to so long as he and the person were dueling. He can also give the memories back afterwards. He's not sure what he should be doing with his powers. Sometimes when he takes memories from people he seems to remember something from his past. All he can tell is some person intentionally gave him the psychic power and tried to use him to do something, something Isaac knew he didn't like. As such he now harbors a hatred for the person. He hopes that by continuing to gather memories he can find the person who gave him his powers. He believes that there is a good chance that the person is at duel academy. That's why he became a skilled duelist, to get to duel academy and find the person who messed with him. Signer Mark: Head [spoiler=Devan]Name: Devan Age: 15Gender: Male Eye Color: Bright greenHairstyle/Color: Messy crimson hair, put in a ponytail.Representing: AmericaDorm: Ra YellowClothing: Red flame long-sleeve shirt, black jeans, navy blue sneakers, and a bracelet with mathematic symbols on it.Deck Type: Psychic DeckFavorite Card/Key Card: Thought Ruler ArchfiendPersonality: Normally lazy at best, but can be dependable if needed. He normally makes sarcastic comments, but are usually empty unless he's really mad, then the profanity flies. he is normally is hesitant at making friends.Biography: As a child, Devan showed progress in dueling, particularly Psychic types, but one day, at the age of 6, during a match against a bully at school, the final blow from a direct attack from a Mind Master knocked out the bully cold. Shocked at what had just happened, he fled from the site, with the spectators wondering what had just happened. During the years since the incident, Devan rarely ever dueled out of nervousness that he might hurt his opponent. By age 8, he was abandoned by his parents because they did not want to have a freak for a child and was sent to a foster home with nothing but his cards, and a couple of prized possessions. At school, he was always known as "The freak" for his psychic powers, which included his reclusiveness and lack of friends. By High School he was the same as before, until one day, a Junior decided to bother him and challenge him to a duel. Seeing as he had trying to suppress his powers, he accepted. 10 turns into the match, the opponent began annoying him into making mistakes until, Devan couldn't take it anymore and his powers manifested in the duel and resulted in the Junior getting a concussion and some damage to the school. Running back to the foster home, he found a letter for him about Duel Academy, and accepted, thinking that he might be able to get away from what happened before. [spoiler=Luis]Name: Luis SolezAge: 16Gender: Male Eye Color: BrownHairstyle/Color: Short, layered and just kinda hangs there. Almost shoulder length.Representing: MexicoDorm: Ra YellowClothing: Wears the traditional Ra Yellow uniform. When wearing casual clothing, wears a long-sleeved white button-up shirt, resembling a dress shirt, as well as black slacks. Also has black-rimmed glasses.Deck Type: Toon, BurnFavorite Card/Key Card: Toon Cannon SoldierPersonality: A little quiet at first, but once he warms up to people he becomes rather talkative. A romantic who loves the women, and is more intelligent than he comes off as. He values originality and creativity more than anything else, and dislikes cliches.Biography: A young man who was enrolled in Duel Academy a while ago. He doesn't really see himself as anything special, and the only thing that really seperates him from most other duelists is his unwavering belief in originality. For this reason, he hates to use mainstream decks. [spoiler=[color=#FF0000]Silfer Red[/color]][spoiler=Luke]Name: Luke ShamonAge: 16Gender: MaleEye Color: BlueHairstyle/Color: Shaggy brownRepresenting: RussiaDorm: Silfer RedClothing: Black shirt and jeansDeck Type: Elemental HeroFavorite Card/Key Card: Elemental Hero - ElectrumPersonality: Kind, helpfulBiography: Abondoned when just a child, Luke relied on pure skill and guts. [spoiler=Ryouta]Name: RyoutaAge: 16Gender: MaleEye Color: BrownHairstyle/Color: Spiked black hair, with red bangs.Representing: JapanDorm: Slifer RedClothing: A worn down, Slifer uniform with longer coat tails.Deck Type: Synchro Machines.Favorite Card/Key Card: Tempest Dragon: Aeolus ,[spoiler=Moonshine Mech] Personality: He is remotely calm, but has quite a few stress issues from following his father's and brother's footsteps.Biography: Ryouta came from a long line of "Local" professional duelist, each having their own specialization. With Warriors and Dragons taken already, he settled for the next best thing. Machines. Coming to duel academy, he hopes to further his skill in the game, to be the best around.Signer Mark: Leg/Back Claw [spoiler=Neikos]Name: Neikos "Crimson Devil" AkihamiaharaAge: 46Gender: FemaleEye Color: RedHairstyle/Color: Black, Ankle long Hair that acts like a Cloak to her, Adorned with Red Ribbons and CharmsRepresenting: NobodyDorm: Slifer RedClothing: A dress completely stained by Blood, She has a Black Duel Disk adorned with Blood red JewelsDeck Type: Scarlet Whisper: Fatality -Destruction-[spoiler=[b]Favorite Card:[/b]]Crimson Revenger[Trap]Activate only on your Opponent's Turn, Pay 1000 Life points and select 1 monster your opponent controls, it's ATK is Doubled and That Monster must Attack Directly, Then you can Special summon any number of Monsters whose combined ATK is up to the amount of Damage you took from that attack, Then 1 Monster you control gains ATK equal to the Difference of the Amount of Damage you took and the Combined ATK of all the Monsters Special summoned by this effect, No other monsters can attack this turn, This card's activation and effect cannot be negated by other Trap cards [spoiler=[b]Key Cards:[/b]]Messenger of the End[spellcaster/DARK/8/2800/0]If this card is Special Summoned, You gain 2000 Life Points, Once per Turn, You can Decrease this card's ATK by 400 to Gain 1500 Life Points Dark Whispering Spirit - 2 of a Kind[spell]Activate only when you control no Monsters, Discard 1 DARK Monster to Special summon 2 Monsters with the same Name from your hand or Deck Alluring Doppelgangers[spell]Activate only when you control a Dark Monster, Special Summon 4 "Allure Tokens" (Dark/Thunder/3/0/0) in Defense Position. The Tokens cannot be used for a Tribute. If you activate this card, You cannot Normal Summon or Set this Turn Scarlet Destruction - Whispering Beginning[Fiend/DARK/Synchro/12/0/0]1 Tuner + 3 or More Non-tuner MonstersThis card cannot Be Destroyed as a Result of Battle, and all Battle Damage Involving this card Becomes 0. When this card Attacks, The Attack Target Monster is destroyed at the end of the Damage Step. If this card Targeted by a Card effect, You can Pick the Target Instead. This card Unaffected by card effects that do not Target. Once Per Turn, You can Discard 1 card to Remove 1 card your Opponent Controls from Play. If a card effect that Negates other card's effects is Activated, Negate This Card's Effect until the End phase of this Turn. Scarlet Destruction - Whispering End[Fiend/DARK/Synchro/12/0/0]1 Tuner + 3 or More Non-tuner MonstersThis card cannot Be Selected as an Attack Target. If this card Targeted by a Card effect, You can Pick the Target Instead. This card Unaffected by card effects that do not Target. When This card Attacks, This card's ATK Becomes Double the ATK of the Attack Target Monster until the end of the Damage Step. Once Per Turn, You can Discard 1 card to Remove 1 card your Opponent Controls from Play. If a card effect that Negates other card's effects is Activated, Negate This Card's Effect until the End phase of this Turn. Personality: Schizophrenia(Basically, She has major Mood swings)Biography: Her Past isn't known really well. All that is known about her is that She is a Type of Dark Angel that could hide her True Identity. She is also a Half Vampire that craves Blood, but can take Daylight. Whenever She Duels, Black Marks Form on her Face during the Duel. [spoiler=[b]Notes:[/b]]There is a Ruling with Scarlet Destruction - Whispering End "If you control no other monsters, Your opponent can attack directly" In addition, Both Scarlet Destruction Monsters have these Rulings as well "Your Opponent cannot Activate any card to Negate the Summon of this card Unless there is another monster being Summoned as well, In that case, This card's Summon isn't Negated, But it's Effect to Negate itself will activate" "This card's effect to negate itself can be Responded to with Divine Wrath or a Similar Card, In that Case, The effect of Divine Wrath would Proceed as Normal, Negating and Destroying the Monster altogether" [spoiler=Banned Users]Sesu-san32shadow-zero Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tainted Black Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Name: HagiAge: 15Gender: MaleEye Color: BlackHairstyle/Color: Dark Brown, Medium-lengthRepresenting: Great BritainDorm: Obelisk BlueClothing: A suit-like thing.Deck Type: Crystal Beasts, and a DARK Deck Favorite Card/Key Card: Rainbow Dragon/Rainbow Dark Dragon/ Abyssal Dragon: HadesPersonality: Hagi is very reserved. You could almost say Anti-Social. He is a good person though. Plagued by dark thoughts. Biography:Hagi is from a small town in England. He has, unlike a distant relative, no Spirits. He gets along well with people, but he cannot initate conversation most of the time. He has a cello and is good at playing it. He has dark feelings and thoughts tugging at his heart a lot, and might give in. Cousin of RagSigner mark: Hand/Front Claw Yes... I call Hades.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest Dahlia Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 He has a cello!?kewl phantom-san, do I have to re-reapply??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Name: HirikiriAge: 18Gender: MaleEye Color: GreenHairstyle/Color: Mohawk black with blue tipsRepresenting:Dorm:ObeliskClothing: Wears Black shirt with Archfiend printed across it and wears black jeansand black shoesDeck Type: Pandemonium,Fiend invationFavorite Card/Key Card: AriesPersonality:Cool calm and collected untill he wakes up then all heck brakes looseBiography:Grew up on the streets and got in the academy by acing all the test and winning a duel. Doesnt care much about his family and is a full out partier. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tainted Black Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Hirikiri, I have HAdes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest Dahlia Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Oh wait! I see my app up there. So I guess I don't have to do it ova So does that mean I was accepted!? XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Crap ill edit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatPhantomGuy Posted September 18, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 820: Yes, you and I were already accepted since we created it.Hikiri: Yeah, sorry, Gaara already called Hades. I don't blame you for wanting him! Aha ha ha! I'll be waiting for your app.Gaara: Accepted.Oh, and 820, I need your signer mark. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest Dahlia Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Left claw?Or any available mark. It's fine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tainted Black Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Umm.. I have left claw... STOP STEALING D: MEH!!!! XD Take back claw or wings.... I think wings for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest Dahlia Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Wings! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatPhantomGuy Posted September 18, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Where's Hikiri's App.? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Its near the middle of the page. >_ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest Dahlia Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 What do you mean? He posted it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatPhantomGuy Posted September 18, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Oh, my apologies. XDI need your Signer Mark then...And what country are you representing? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemini.EXE Posted September 18, 2009 Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 Name: Devan Age: 15Gender: Male Eye Color: bright greenHairstyle/Color: messy crimson hair, put in a ponytail.Representing: AmericaDorm: Ra YellowClothing: red flame long-sleeve shirt, black jeans, navy blue sneakers, and a bracelet with mathematic symbols on it.Deck Type: Psychic DeckFavorite Card/Key Card: Thought Ruler ArchfiendPersonality: normally lazy at best, but can be dependable if needed. He normally makes sarcastic comments, but are usually empty unless he's really mad, then the profanity flies. he is normally is hesitant at making friends, Biography: As a child, Devan showed progress in dueling, particularly Psychic types, but one day, at the age of 6, during a match against a bully at school, the final blow from a direct attack from a Mind Master knocked out the bully cold. Shocked at what had just happened, he fled from the site, with the spectators wondering what had just happened. During the years since the incident, Devan rarely ever dueled out of nervousness that he might hurt his opponent. By age 8, he was abandoned by his parents because they did not want to have a freak for a child and was sent to a foster home with nothing but his cards, and a couple of prized possessions. At school, he was always known as "The freak" for his psychic powers, which included his reclusiveness and lack of friends. By High School he was the same as before, until one day, a Junior decided to bother him and challenge him to a duel. Seeing as he had trying to suppress his powers, he accepted. 10 turns into the match, the opponent began annoying him into making mistakes until, Devan couldn't take it anymore and his powers manifested in the duel and resulted in the Junior getting a concussion and some damage to the school. Running back to the foster home, he found a letter for him about Duel Academy, and accepted, thinking that he might be able to get away from what happened before. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatPhantomGuy Posted September 18, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 18, 2009 WHOA. That's a bloody lot of back story. Accepted though.DEVAN IS... DEVAN IS... Almost like Neo... 0.o ...Psychic people... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Bagon Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Name: luke shamonAge: 16Gender: maleEye Color: blueHairstyle/Color: shaggy brownRepresenting:RussiaDorm:silferClothing: black shirt jeansDeck Type: Elemental heroFavorite Card/Key Card: Elemental hero- electrumPersonality:kind helpfulBiography:abondin when just a child luke relied on pure skill and guts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatPhantomGuy Posted September 19, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest Dahlia Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 What a wonderful bio! -.-' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatPhantomGuy Posted September 19, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Aha! I know. -.-'' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Bagon Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 sorry couldn't think of much Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatPhantomGuy Posted September 19, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 All we need is two more and we'll start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hirikiri Inaghe Posted September 19, 2009 Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Whas i accepted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatPhantomGuy Posted September 19, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 19, 2009 Ah, yes you were Mr. Hirikiri. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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