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Monsters -20-

1 Desert Twister


3 Witch of Catoblepas and Fate

3 Fortune Lady Windy

3 Thunder King Rai-Oh

3 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

3 Legendary Jujitsu Master

2 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Card Trooper


Spells -13-

3 Future Visions

3 Fortune Future

3 Book of Moon

2 Gold Sarcophagus

1 Heavy Storm

1 Giant Trunade


Traps -7-

3 Royal Oppression

3 Reckless Greed

1 Call of the Haunted


Total: 40

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Your only excuse for running Windy and support for it is that you can eventually get it RFPd and convert it into Draw Power. Anti-Meta shouldn't be that desperate for extra Draw power, it should be able to slow down the game to the point where you can fend off their aggressive attacks, control them, take them out, and slowly chip away at their Life Points. But instead, you had to dedicate much of your Deck to that extra bit of draw power. This isn't OTK or swarm, you're not working towards a GG hand.


Anti-Meta's slow and steady. One of its main merits is not having to worry about having to swarm monsters or get out a boss. You take it 1 Draw Phase and 1 Normal Summon or Set at a time and let your effects and Traps take care of their more aggressive playstyle. All draw power will do in Decks like Rock Stun is get you more monsters to Normal Summon/Set, which will usually be pretty similar to eachother in the first place. If you're not dumping your hand constantly and shaping it to be a game-winning hand, you don't need draw power.


Sorry mate, but this Deck is fundamentally contradictory, trapped between fast and slow. If you want an FL-Windy Draw Engine, which isn't a terrible idea in of itself, you'll have to do it somewhere more appropriate than Rock Stun. I'd scrap this and try it out in Dark Simorgh, should do wonders in there, where you really want Dark Simorgh and all parts required to swiftly lockdown your opponent and own them. =)


Until next time. ;)

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@~ P O L A R I S ~: You say my only reason for running Windy is for Fortune Future, while my actual reasoning is the exact opposite - my only reason for running Fortune Future is because of Windy. The reason I'm running Windy is due to Witch of Catoblepas and Fate, the inspiration of the deck.


@DesCrow: I'm aware of that. My reasoning for Future Visions is this: While Witch of Fate and Oppression handle Special Summons, Future Visions can lock up a Normal Summon until the next turn. Future Visions also provides a target for Fortune Future.


@everyone else: Thanks for commenting.

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Saw Catabolepas, but it's generally just not gonna be helping you. Far too easy for them to just play around or destroy knowing its function. Even when you CAN pull it off, which you'll be hard-pressed to do, you'll hardly be getting any more mileage out of it than, say Guardian. It's really not a great card tbh.


You're also not making Special Summoning too appealing for them with your other picks like Oppression and Dyna even if they might've before, and when you're removing Windy, most of the time it won't be because your opponent miraculously didn't know Catabolepas' effect.

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