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Fire Burn Deck, a lil' help-or simply rate perhaps?


How's this partial makeshift deck?  

  1. 1. How's this partial makeshift deck?

    • Shizzy. Quit being a bum. D:<
    • It's aight. Not too random, though its theme could be more well rounded.
    • Decent. Stick to local plays; if anything.
    • Nice. ^^', I'll spare a few tips though.

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19 Monsters

3x Abaky

3x Blast Asmodian

3x UFO Turtle

3x Fox Fire

2x Ultimate baseball Kid

3x Solar Flare Dragon

1x Volcanic queen

1x Sangan



12 Spells-

1x Dark Room of Nightmare

1x Chain Strike

2x Stumbling

1x Lightning Vortex

2x Toll

2x Chain Energy

1x Level Limit Area B

1x Mask of the Accursed

1x Messenger Of Peace



11 Traps-

3x Backfire

3x Chain Detonation

1x Chthonian Blast

1x Destruction Ring

1x Gravity Bind

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Waboku


I know it's barely decent, what with lacking the cliche' Wave motion Cannon, Stealth bird, Lava Golem and other top tier burn+ lacks stalling cards. I blame the fact that I lack funds for cards, and am too much a hobo to buy em off e:bay~so yes- I do tend to buy 3rd rate junky cards sold in some kid's yard-sales. However, I still wish to have aid in improving this deck I managed to put together, even if I most likely won't be able to find the cards suggested for it anytime soon.

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