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The Best Gift of 09' Autumn


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Battlestar Galactica Seasons 1-4 DVD Boxset is excellent, is simply amazing.

Battlestar Galactica Seasons 1-4 DVD Boxsetis beautifully written, the story is riveting, and Starbuck is hot. What more could a sci-fi fan want? Highly recommended.

Battlestar Galactica Seasons 1-4 is a show that stepped up the quality of depth and storytelling in science fiction beyond what has been done before.

Battlestar Galactica Seasons 1-4 was gritty, realistic, and the characters were largely complex and unique individuals.

Battlestar Galactica 1-4 caught on very quickly for these reasons, which garnered it a lot of critical acclaim. One of the factors that made

Battlestar Galactica 1-4so popular was its use of modern political and social issues being directly relevant to the story. Not since the original star trek were so many prevalent issues handled so directly and so well. Given the great writing, acting, and effects,

Battlestar Galactica Seasons 1-4 DVD is called great with good reason.


The Hills Seasons 1-5 DVD Boxset is my guilty pleasure, I am gripped by the he-said-she-said senarios, laughter, tears - I LOVE ! The Hills series 1-5 DVD out.The Hills series 1-5 DVD is the best reailty tv series icant wait till it comes out! and the season finale was great lots of drama but wont spill since some people havent watched The Hills 1-5 so let me just say this, every1 should buy The Hills DVD any1 who likes reailty. I don't understand why people are always saying that they don't understand why these girls are famous..um maybe it's because they have a tv show!! The Hills Box setis like the most watched show The Hills Box set is great!!


With this set of DVDs, The Seven year adventure of Buffy The Vampire Slayer1-7 Boxsetfinally comes to an end. Coming off the most fan-hated season to date, Joss Whedon went back to the beginning with Buffy The Vampire Slayer1-7 Boxset, planning the story-arcs almost a year an advance, and deciding to return to the roots of Buffy The Vampire Slayer seasons 1-7 , presenting a mixture of drama and comedy, filler episodes and arc episodes, themes and happyness, etc.Buffy The Vampire Slayer seasons 1-7 has been my favorite show since the first time I saw Buffy The Vampire Slayer series 1-7 on UPN in 7th grade. I own all Buffy The Vampire Slayer 1-7 now and the slim cases are amazing. As someone who bought the first box sets and has the big thick seasons 1,2,and three - this one is the best visually and Buffy The Vampire Slayer Box set fits on your shelf more easily.

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