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Character Card


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[spoiler=Character Card]createcards.jpg



[spoiler=Anti-Character Card]createcardp.jpg



[spoiler=Ritual Magic Card]395665.jpg



[spoiler=Field Spell Card]395665.jpg



[spoiler=A Standard Card]395665.jpg



[spoiler=Synchro Card OP?]395665.jpg



[spoiler=Tuner Monster]395665.jpg



[spoiler=Trap Card]395665.jpg

[spoiler=Effect]Roll a dice: 1: All monster cards on your side of the field are destroyed and you take Battle Damage equal to their total ATK points. 2: You can not play Spell cards for three turns. 3: You can not play Trap cards for three turns. 4: You can not play Monster cards for three turns. 5: You can draw up to three cards. If any of these are Monster cards, you are allowed to play those cards regardless of Summoning Requirements. 6: All monster cards on your opponent's side of the field are destroyed and he/she takes Battle Damage equal to their total ATK points.




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ah! now it's better but still there are some errors, mostly OCG mistakes:

Raisus the Flammie:

This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Forest Ritual". When this card is Summoned, toss a coin: ● Heads: This card can attack all monsters on your opponent's side of the field. ● Tails: This card is removed from play.

Forest Ritual:

This card is used to Ritual Summon "Raisus the Flammie". You must also offer monsters as a Tribute whose total Levels equal 9 or more from the field or your hand.

also change the pic of the spell card

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ah! now it's better but still there are some errors' date=' mostly OCG mistakes:

[b']Raisus the Flammie:[/b]

This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Forest Ritual". When this card is Summoned, toss a coin: ● Heads: This card can attack all monsters on your opponent's side of the field. ● Tails: This card is removed from play.

Forest Ritual:

This card is used to Ritual Summon "Raisus the Flammie". You must also offer monsters as a Tribute whose total Levels equal 9 or more from the field or your hand.

also change the pic of the spell card


Heh. Never could quite figure out how you put those dots in. Thanks =)


EDIT: Those black dots won't come out when I type it in. =/ Probably something to do with my Keyboard/internet settings

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ah! now it's better but still there are some errors' date=' mostly OCG mistakes:

[b']Raisus the Flammie:[/b]

This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Forest Ritual". When this card is Summoned, toss a coin: ● Heads: This card can attack all monsters on your opponent's side of the field. ● Tails: This card is removed from play.

Forest Ritual:

This card is used to Ritual Summon "Raisus the Flammie". You must also offer monsters as a Tribute whose total Levels equal 9 or more from the field or your hand.

also change the pic of the spell card


Heh. Never could quite figure out how you put those dots in. Thanks =)


well, the yugioh card maker doesn't allow those dots, but you could ask in a shop to add the dots in your card OR make them yourself in GIMP


P.S.: i forgot to rate your cards 8/10

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ah! now it's better but still there are some errors' date=' mostly OCG mistakes:

[b']Raisus the Flammie:[/b]

This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Forest Ritual". When this card is Summoned, toss a coin: ● Heads: This card can attack all monsters on your opponent's side of the field. ● Tails: This card is removed from play.

Forest Ritual:

This card is used to Ritual Summon "Raisus the Flammie". You must also offer monsters as a Tribute whose total Levels equal 9 or more from the field or your hand.

also change the pic of the spell card


Heh. Never could quite figure out how you put those dots in. Thanks =)


well, the yugioh card maker doesn't allow those dots, but you could ask in a shop to add the dots in your card OR make them yourself in GIMP


P.S.: i forgot to rate your cards 8/10


Ah. Thanks =)

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How do you get the bullet points?


I created the card here first; then I saved the image to my Hard Disk


I then used Adobe Photoshop CS3; then with the Text tool hit ALT+7 (Brings up a bulletpoint, you may need to increse size...I did) Move the item to where you need it and Save.


Then I uploaded it straight into Imageshack.

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