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Cheap sworn(Celestia control)

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Jain LS pally 2

LS monk 1

Lyla LS Socerer 2

Ryko LS hunter 2

Celestia LS angle 3

Arkus LS Druid 1

Garoth LS warrior 2

Wulf LS beast 2

Lumina LS summoner 3

Necro gardna 3

Cyber dragon 1

Guardian of order 1

Pleague spreader Zombie 1



Solar Recharge 3

Heavy 1


Foolish B 2

lightening Vortex 1

United we stand 1



Threatening Roar 3


Call 1

Torrential tribute 1



(I am trying to make a LS deck w/o JD, Honest, or Charges)

if you want to give them to me i will accept ;p

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Take out the 2 Guardian of Order and 1 Wulf for 3 Lumina. Lumina = awesome sauce' date=' also, Wulf works better at 2 since there is less chance to draw it. Lumina also allows you to summon Wulfs in your hand (if you draw them).



i see the 3 lumina buy why no only -1Guardian of order


and -1 other? ie lyla

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Oh, you mean Poorsworn.


x3 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel

x1 Gragonlith, Lightsworn Dragon

x3 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

x3 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

x1 Ehren, Lightsworn Monk

x3 Wulf, Lightsworn Paladin

x2 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior

x2 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin

x1 Cyber Dragon

x1 Guardian of Order


x3 Solar Recharge

x3 Fissure

x1 Smashing Ground

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 Reinforcement of the Army

x2 Foolish Burial

x2 Pot of Avarice

x1 Card Destruction

x1 United We Stand


x1 Torrential Tribute

x1 Mirror Force

x2 Bottomless Trap Hole

x1 Waboku

x1 Light Spiral (maybe)

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Take out the 2 Guardian of Order and 1 Wulf for 3 Lumina. Lumina = awesome sauce' date=' also, Wulf works better at 2 since there is less chance to draw it. Lumina also allows you to summon Wulfs in your hand (if you draw them).



i see the 3 lumina buy why no only -1Guardian of order


and -1 other? ie lyla


That would work

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