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Photoshop Drawing - Sakura

Enma Ai

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You missed a few spots.

And for darkening colors, use the vertical bars instead. So you can get that 2-3 shades down. Not making it look like you're chocking her >_>"


Also Pentool.


Otherwise, awesome.

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You missed a few spots. I Know' date=' The Bucket tool kept missing spots so I had to do it by hand, and the contrast on my moniter is jammed at like 10 or 15 so its hard to see [/b']

And for darkening colors, use the vertical bars instead. So you can get that 2-3 shades down. Yeah I know, I didnt have time to shade either =/ Not making it look like you're chocking her >_>"xD


Also Pentool. Trust me, if I used the Pentool, Sakura would be a circle xD, I suck at Pentool


Otherwise, awesome... Thank I guess


BTW; I just noticed that the skin color on her neck looks like an old mans and Her face blends in too much with this sites color >.>


Thanks Icy



@Shadow-Striker; Thanks

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^: Ctrl + Click Layer > Ctrl + I > Brush in the spots you see that need to be corrected > Ctrl+D to test (make sure BG layer color is separate from the actual canvas).


Repeat as needed.

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Pentool is a must, if you're not good at it, learn.

Coloring it terrible, if all else fails, I would suggest zooming in and doing in all pixel by pixel, which takes a lot of time, but gives you very precise control over what you're doing.

I would suggest you keep going at this, it looks good, but it also looks unfinished, try harder.

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Pentool is a must' date=' if you're not good at it, learn.

Coloring it terrible, if all else fails, I would suggest zooming in and doing in all pixel by pixel, which takes a lot of time, but gives you very precise control over what you're doing.

I would suggest you keep going at this, it looks good, but it also looks unfinished, try harder.




That's a terrible method.

Pen tool on a separate layer, then color on a separate layer. Go back to the lineart and magic wand tool the outline and erase any color spillage.

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Im not the kind of person who is very patient. Also OMGAKITTY; I had a drawing of it open in an Firefox Tab, and I just kept switching between them to try and get a rough shape.


PS; Im getting a Mouse on Wednesday =D, Hopefully that will improve my shaky lines. I am making a new drawing atm.

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It's really not a terrible method' date=' some of my best work has been achieved through that method. It just takes a lot of time, and is very labor intensive.



Pixel by pixel? How big do you usually work? >_>

1000+ pixels = I'm not working that small. ._.


Im not the kind of person who is very patient. Also OMGAKITTY; I had a drawing of it open in an Firefox Tab' date=' and I just kept switching between them to try and get a rough shape.


PS; Im getting a Mouse on Wednesday =D, Hopefully that will improve my shaky lines. I am making a new drawing atm.



Wait, mouse....did you do this with the fingerpad on a laptop? >_>

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