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Yu-Gi-Oh: Return of the Dark Signers (Basic, Always Accepting, and Not Started)


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Guest Merciful Idiot


After the Dark Signers have long since been defeaten. And the Main Characters of 5D have died of old age.....New Dark Signers have risen with New and Old Earthbound Immortals. But at the same time, they awoke the Skybound Immortals. The Skybound Immortals chose Light Signers.


Who will win? Who will prevail?






Side (Dark Signer, Light Signer, Other):


Bio (Optional):

Duel Disk:

Duel Runner:


Earthbound/Skybound/Trump Card:

Dark/Light Signer Mark:



[spoiler=My App]

Name: Shao

Age: ?

Side: Dark Signer



Bio: Revealed later on.

Duel Disk: See picture

Duel Runner: knight_rider_by_zeo_x.jpg

Deck: Age of Chaos

Earthbound/Skybound/Trump Card: Earthbound Immortal Nevar Citoach

Dark Signer Mark: Raven



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[spoiler= My sexy app]

Name: Uryu Kanabara

Age: 17 at death.

Side: Dark Signer

Appearance: http://th05.deviantart.com/fs45/300W/f/2009/087/b/0/it__s_a_dark_signer__by_qu_ko.png

Duel Disk: Classic Dark Signer

Duel Runner: http://cache.gizmodo.com/gadgets/images/akira_skooter.jpg In dark orange and black

Deck: Winged Beast

Earthbound/Skybound/Trump Card: Earthbound Immortal Assla Piscu

Dark Signer Mark: Hummingbird.


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Name: Solez Yarin

Age: 18 (When Deceased)

Side (Dark Signer, Light Signer, Other): Dark Signer



Bio (Optional): A young man who was accidentally mudered by a bounty hunter. Wanting revenge on both the Bounty Hunter and the Police who called him on Solez, he was revived with Dark Signer abilities.

Duel Disk:



Duel Runner:



Deck: Toon/Spellcasters

Earthbound/Skybound/Trump Card: Earthbound Immortal Liniga Poresti

Dark/Light Signer Mark: Dog

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Guest Tainted Black

Name: Hagi

Age: Unknown

Side: Dark Signer

Appearance: Tall, Medium-long black hair, looks bored a lot, Wears a Suit when in Public.

Bio : A young Brit, with a clouded past.

Duel Disk: Black Orichalcos

Duel Runner: Same theme as Disk

Deck: Crystal Beast or DARK

Earthbound/Skybound/Trump Card: Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca

Dark/Light Signer Mark: Condor


Name: Plato Atlas

Age: 16

Side: Light Signer Leader

Appearance: Red King jacket, Short Dark Blonde hair, a Cap, black pants. Medium tall.

Bio: Grandson of Jack Atlas

Duel Disk: Silver and Gold Yusei Disk

Duel Runner: Silver and Gold Wheel of Fortune

Deck: Synchro

Earthbound/Skybound/Trump Card: Skybound Immortal Ehactl-Quetzalcoatl


Dark/Light Signer Mark: Winged Serpent

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  • 9 months later...

Name: Minoru Yoshida

Age: 17

Side (Dark Signer, Light Signer, Other):Dark Signer

Appearance: Medium, Spiky Blonde Hair, Dark Signer Jacket Orange, Dark Signer Pants

Bio (Optional):A kind man who lived with a nice family.A man killed his family and swore he will get revenge for what the man done to his family.

Duel Disk:Battle City A Black

Duel Runner:None

Deck:Neverending Darkness

Earthbound/Skybound/Trump Card:Earthbound Immortal Don Nogard

Dark/Light Signer Mark:Dragon

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