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Happy Internation Talk Like A Pirate Day!


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As some of you may know today is Internation Talk Like A Pirate Day! Last week I heard the song Rum Is For Drinking, Not Burning by Senses Fail which inspired me to make these cards, but I decided to wait until today before I posted them.


[spoiler=The Great Galleon Set]


All "Great Galleon" monsters do not require tributes to be Normal Summoned while this card is on the field.



While this this card is in your hand you can show it to your opponent to search your Deck for 1 "The Great Galleon" Field Spell and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your Deck. If this card is on the field but "The Great Galleon" is not on the field, destroy this card. Increase the ATK and DEF of all "Great Galleon" monsters by 500 (except this one).



All face-up "Captain Ricshard Of The Great Galleon" cannot be target by your opponent's Spell and Trap Cards and cannot be selected as an attack target.



While "The Great Galleon" is on the field each time this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, your opponent randomly discards 1 card.



Once per turn while "The Great Galleon" is on the field you can negate the activation and effect of an opponent's Spell or Trap Card and destroy it. Your opponent draws 2 card.



This card gains 100 ATK for each face-up "Great Galleon" monster you control. If "The Great Galleon" Field Spell is on the field this card gains 300 ATK for each face-up "Great Galleon" monster you control instead.




So rate/comment and have fun talking like a pirate.

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Yeah, I did'nt put much effort in with these cards. The captain was just made to get the great galleon so he could get to the field without a tribute then power up the crew + with the galleon powering up the crew even more. I agree with the plain effects though, but i'll lower the captain's level to 7 and increase its attack abit.

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Isn't talk like a pirate day on Saturday? Oh well' date=' I agree with ragnarok, give Richard some more ATK. 7.5/10



It was early in the morning on Saturday where I am when I posted. (Australia by the way)



So the general rating for my cards are 7 or 8, not bad ratings for two minutes of thinking. Any suggestion on how to improve.

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Yar, me mateys! These cards shiver me timbers!


Yer Captain is a bit o' the ole brimstone says I! Ye best cut him down to size lest ye be making a scallywag who swamps yer mates like a stormy sea!


A galleon be a fine prize, but ye nae find a good pirate willing to run up his colors on them fat bottomed beasts. Ye best be putting in with a frigate or a sturdy brig. May I suggest...




This card can be Special Summoned from your hand when you have "Captain Ricshard" face-up on the field. Increase this card's ATK/DEF by 400 points for every "Great Galleon" monster on the field. Negate Monster Effects that target this card.


(I made this card a while ago just for fun as part of a 3 card pirate set, and slightly modified it.)


YAR-HARHARHARHAR! Yer thread be commandeered by the great Captain KdogPrime! Plunderer of the Cards, Hoarder of Vanillas!

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