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For a Friend - Batterymen


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Batterymen (40)


Monsters (19)


3x Batteryman AA

3x Batteryman Charger

1x Batteryman D

2x Batteryman Industrial Strength

3x Batteryman Micro-Cell

1x Cyber Dragon

2x Honest

1x Morphing Jar

3x Thunder Dragon


Spells (16)


3x Battery Charger

1x Brain Control

1x Foolish Burial

1x Giant Trunade

2x Hand Destruction

1x Heavy Storm

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

3x Short Circuit

1x Smashing Ground


Traps (5)


2x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Call of the Haunted

2x Limit Reverse


Extra Deck (1)


1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon


It's restricted to $100 CAD (just over $93 USD) or less. Keep that in mind.

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You can build a half-baked BW deck for that much' date=' with even half an extra deck =P

But, uh, I don't know Batterymen =\



Well, I asked him what general kind of deck he wanted, and he requested Batterymen. xD


This build is only $40 USD, shockingly. xD


Batterymen focus on Special Summoning AA, using IRS, and getting 3 out. Then they nuke with Short Circuit and attack for game.

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This is seriously only $40?

trollandtoad' date=' or what?


And ya I'd also neg the foolishes for Fissures.



Well, the prices came from a few sources... I think it may be best to assume $60 because of shipping, inflation, selling out, etc.


Still... An astonishing amount of these cards are 25 cents a copy, and I assumed that he didn't have any of the cards in the deck (which I know is not true).


EDIT: BTW, dropping Foolish dropped the price a lot. xD

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-1 Batteryman D(1 is fine)

-2 Shining Angel(IRS will miss timing in damage calc)

-1 Portable Battery Pack

-1 One for One(1 target? meh)

-2 Quick Charger(meh)

-1 Level Limit Area - B(See below)

-1 Gravity Bind(batteryman doesn't need to stall)


+1 Batteryman Industrial Strength(too good to be @ 1)

+1 Magical Merchant(mills monsters (which are fine in grave, can be SS easily, and gets key spells)

+3 Thunder Dragon (godly with hand des, and Industrial food)

+2 Hand Destruction(needs draw power)

+1 Giant Trunade(helps the OTK)

+1 Cyber Dragon(you know why)

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These changes make sense. Merchant sounds slightly iffy tho.


I'm also throwing Chimeratech Fortress Dragon into the previously empty Extra Deck, since he now runs CyDra, and I use Morphs. He can use it against me sometimes. :P


EDIT: BTW, I knew about the damage step ruling already. xD

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Well I've posted like 5 batteryman decks so far and shallow grave was an untested new Idea.

Can you help with my current batteryman deck' date=' by telling me which build is better? I'll post the link in a minute


EDIT: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-155115.html



Shallow Grave gives your opponent a free SS. That won't work out too well.


BTW, both of those builds seem pretty bad... >.>

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Well I've posted like 5 batteryman decks so far and shallow grave was an untested new Idea.

Can you help with my current batteryman deck' date=' by telling me which build is better? I'll post the link in a minute


EDIT: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-155115.html



Shallow Grave gives your opponent a free SS. That won't work out too well.


BTW, both of those builds seem pretty bad... >.>


Not to mention it'll be in Face-down DEF, so you can't go short circuit.

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