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"Legends Of The Sea" Set


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They're pretty good, very useful effects and are great cards for the Water decks. The pictures are just stunning and look very good overall. The only thing you should change are Moby Dick and Perseus; change the amount of WATER monsters required to tribute summon them to 3 since they're pretty good. 9/10

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Wow' date=' these are amazing! Maybe you should add a hydra card?

Since the Eye of the Sea is that powerful, and it seems to be more oriented at viewing your opponent's cards than anything, maybe add an effect so that it can only attak the monsters it used its effect on?



There, I added Hydra. LOL!! I'll add some more later on. It's a bit troublesome looking for these sea Legends. XD

There, I added two more. Although, I need further recomendations for the "Deep Sea Lovers" card and I don't know if the image is sutable for some of the audience. O_o!! XD

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