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Deck Contest-The Seven Deadly Sins (1: Lust)


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Each Saturday, I'll post a new contest.


Challenge: build a Deck around the Deadly Sin 'Lust'. There are no restrictions, except for the September 09 Banlist. Also, you can use 1 Banned Card. It's not for RL uses, but for a fanfic. (spoiler for my readers lol)

Decks must be at least 30 cards; full 40-card Decks are allowed too.

Winner gets 3 reps. All the other contestant with a good idea will get 1.

Contest ends 26 september.

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Unless the theme changes or there are other requirements, here's the deck...


Monsters: 20

3 Dark Grepher

3 Sky Scourge Norleras

3 Fallen Angel Superbia

2 Fallen Angel Asmodeus

2 Darklord Zerato

2 Phantom of Chaos

2 Necro Gardna

1 Morphing Jar

1 Plaguespreader Zombie

1 Hecatrice


Spells: 15

3 Trade-In

2 Allure of Darkness

2 Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen

2 Foolish Burial

1 Card Destruction

1 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Graceful Charity

1 Heavy Storm

1 Giant Trunade

1 Cold Wave


Traps: 5

3 Reckless Greed

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Call of the Haunted

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So hot looking females?


gimme 5 mins



[3] Dark Magician

[3] Dark Magician Girl

[3] Skilled Dark Magician

[3] Breaker the Magical Warrior

[2] Magician's Valkyria

[2] Krebons

[2] Night's End Sorcerer

[1] Sangan





[3] Magical Dimension

[2] Dark Magic Attack

[2] Sage's Stone

[2] Allure of Darkness

[1] Lightning Vortex

[1] Heavy Storm

[1] Brain Control

[1] Mind Control

[1] Change of Heart (Lust theme, 1 banned card)




[3] Dark Bribe

[3] Magician's Circle

[1] Mirror Force

[1] Call of the Haunted

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1|Chaos Sorcerer

3|Lyla LS Sorceress

3|Fortune Lady Watery

3|Fortune Lady Darky

3|Fortune Lady Lighty

2|Fortune Lady Earthy

2|Fortune Lady Windy

2|Solitar Magical




3|Future Vision

2|Mausoleum of the Emporer


3|Fortune Future

2|Allure of Darkness

1|Giant Trunade

1|Mystical Space Typhoon

3|Magical Dimension



1|Call of the Hunted

1|Torrential Tribute

is this ok?

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3x Harpie Queen

3x Harpie Lady 1

2x Harpie Lady Sisters

2x Hunter Owl

2x Flying Kamakiri

1x Harpie Chick

2x Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon

1x Harpie's Pet Dragon

1x Birdface


SPELLS (13):

2x Harpie's Hunting Ground

1x Harpie's Feather Duster

2x Elogant Egotist

1x Triangle Ecstacy Spark

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Cyber Shield

2x Swallow's Nest

1x Brain Control

1x Giant Trunade


2x Bottomless

1x Call Of The Haunted

2x Hysteric Party

1x Aqua Chorus

2x Icarus Attack

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute



I know there are some jank cards in there (Harpie's Pet Dragon, for example), but should work for a fanfic.

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I.... I... just gotta have you.... I need your body!



2x Tytannial, Princess of Camellias

2x Lonefire Blossom

2x Mystic Tomato

1x Dandylion

1x Plasma

3x Jowls of Dark Demise

3x Giant Germ

1x Possessed Dark Soul

1x Sangan

1x Dark Necrofear

1x DAD



2 Allure of darkness

3 Mark of the rose

3 enemy controller

2 Creature Swap

1 Brain Control

1 Mind control

1 Snatch steal

1 Heavy Storm

1 Giant Trunade

1 Scape Goat




1 Mirror Force

1 Call

1 Torrential

2 Bottomless

1 Return from the Different Dimension.


Its fun, competitive, lustful, and almost legal.

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Ice Edges: seems decent' date=' but I might exclude the Earthbound God

Lewie: Harpie's were allready used, and I'd dislike reusing Deck Types. Thanks anyways.

Nate: seems more like an Envy Deck...


Lust' date=' or an immoderate desire for the flesh of another (outside of matrimony), is considered a sin, or impure act, in the three major Abrahamic religions.



... All I wants is your body. Your smexy... smexy body. o.O

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This is obviously a deck based on summoning Norsewemko as fast as possible, getting a lock with Village/decree as using honest/presider/releaser to generate advantage. Norleras is added because of the high amounts of light fairies/dark fiends to summon him easily.



Norsewemko, Beautiful Goddess of Salvation x3

Gorz the emissary of darkness

Honest x3

Manju of the 10000 hands x3

Ritual fiend presider x3

Ritual fiend releaser x3

Sky scourge norleras

Chaos sorcerer

Dark resignator

Magician of faith



Advanced ritual art

Preperations for the ritual

Ritual of salvation x2

Secret village of the spellcasters x3

Mystical space typhoon

Heavy storm

Mage power

United we stand

Giant trunade


Smashing ground



Royal decree

Royal decree

Royal decree

Call of the haunted

Threatening roar

Mirror force


Deck count: 40

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