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Tuner Heroes....The beginning atleast


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Okay so I really wanted to make a new type of hero card. So I decided to go with Tuner Heroes. Problem is I can't find pics that please me. But I have 3 cards so far that I like....Okay synchro signal I could do without but I figured I'd make one to mock hero signal and destiny signal. Enjoy.









heres Shadow Assassin's effect:


This monster can only be used in the synchro summoning of a "Synchro Hero" This monster can also be used as a Non-Tuner monster in a Synchro Summoning. This monster can attack directly if your opponent has a face-down spell or trap card, if you attack with this effect the damage is halved.


Ghoul Man's Effect:


This monster can only be used in the synchro summoning of a "Synchro Hero" This monster can also be used as a Non-Tuner monster in a Synchro Summoning. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 2 "Ghoul Tokens" (Zombie-Type/Dark/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position.


Shinobi's Effect:


This monster can only be used in the synchro summoning of a "Synchro Hero" This monster can also be used as a Non-Tuner monster in a Synchro Summoning. If this is the only card in your hand you may special summon it to the field in face-up attack position.


Bladeheart's Effect:


This monster can only be used in the synchro summoning of a "Synchro Hero" This monster can also be used as a Non-Tuner monster in a Synchro Summoning. Negate the effects of monsters destroyed by this card.


Level Magician's Effect:.....This guy might be OP'ed


This monster can only be used in the synchro summoning of a "Synchro Hero" This monster can also be used as a Non-Tuner monster in a Synchro Summoning. Once per turn you can discard one card from your hand to have this card gain one of the following effects, Monster: this card gains 500 ATK till the end phase. Spell, Increase the level of one mosnter you control by 1. Trap, Decrease the Level of one monster you control by 1.


I'm not sure if I'm going to use ghoul man or not....Right now I'm just trying to get some cards together. Tell me what you think. My fav is def Shadow Assassin

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I love them


Many OCG issues though and some pics I've seen before


Shinobi's ninjutsu is OP without a drawback. Either add a drawback or have it make you send another monster to the grave as well.


Tuner City needs a drawback too.


You synchro hero has way to bland an effect. just add a tiny little new effect and it'll be balanced


You last card....3/10 due to unbelievebly unoriginal effect and boringness I'd raise it if you gave it a completely new effect (except its base effect)


overall however...7/10

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haha okay, check out my new Card Tuner Hero Juggernaut




Juggernaut's effect:


This monster can only be used in the synchro summoning of a "Synchro Hero" This monster can also be used as a Non-Tuner monster in a Synchro Summoning. This monster cannot attack your opponent directly. If this card does battle damage to your opponent then your opponent has to draw 1 card.

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HAHAHA you deserve a medal for Synchro Signal I luv it!! I also really like Tuner City its pic is great and the effect is nice but until I see what Synchro monsters your come out with not sure if the Life Point sacrifice its too much or too little. Like both Shinobi cards nice and the assassin card has a nice effect as well, along with Ghoul Man. I think I can where Bladeheart's effect has come from hmmmmm!! Level Magician has a nice effect, well effects anyway. Really like the pics and the names of all the cards be nice to see some more of these 9/10 good work player!!

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Heatwave's Effect:


This monster can only be used in the synchro summoning of a "Synchro Hero" This monster can also be used as a Non-Tuner monster in a Synchro Summoning. Inflict 300 points of damage for each "Tuner Hero" or "Synchro Hero" face-up on the field during your opponent's standby phase.


Terra's Effect:....Not sure about his effect


This monster can only be used in the synchro summoning of a "Synchro Hero" This monster can also be used as a Non-Tuner monster in a Synchro Summoning. During your main phase select 1 face-up Field card on the field. Destroy that card and inflict 1000 damage to your opponent.

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