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A few cards.... again and therye vannilas! Yay!!!


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Or, you could just delete the first Speedcycle card, and post the new one to replace it. Anyway:

The images you ma-- Wait a minute. These cards look all to similar to 3 that have been posted before... Nevermind.

The images are okay, but it would be better if you did not use real life ones (but I can see the difficulty in finding those, so that's just a minor drawback)

Please do not make Normal Monsters, because they are unoriginal and useless without support. Please, either make some support cards for them or give them effects, or else there will be a lack of originality

The stats are a bit too overpowered. True, they are within the stats for their Levels, but making the cards have both a strong ATK AND DEF makes them more difficult to destroy in whatever position. At least turn the DEF down a couple hundred points, and they would be fair.


Overall, 4/10. It is an original concept, and you have recognised a flaw (which is the Types), but it needs a few more tweaks to it to boost the rank up a lot. If you need any help, you can PM me.

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