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Felix Culpa

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The world isn't always what it seems to your eyes. Much more danger lurks under the surface than you can think. Demons beyond your wildest dreams creep around you right now, waiting to anxiously drive you through.


[spoiler=Demon List]Archangel - A protector of souls and humans.

Yamata no Orochi - A powerful demon that controls and can transorm into snakes.

Yuki-onna - Snow Woman.

The Luciferean Demon - A good spirit that has been cast away and made a demon.

Umibōzu - Sea spirits that are loners. Umibozu capsize ships of those that talk to it.

Shinigami - The personification of death.

Raiju - A demon that controls thunder and lightning.

Oni - Upper Class Demons.

Kitsune - Spirit fox.

Jikininki - Spirits that animate corpses and cause greed.

Ittan Momen - A demon witch that appears at night and steal the souls of humans.

Hannya - Female demons that emit and cause envy.

Baku - Dream-eating phantoms.

Ghoul - A lifeless being that is driven to kill by bloodlust.

Yaksha - Nature spirit that controls beasts and plants.

Vetala - A vampire that possesses humans to get life force instead of having a traditional body.

Pishacha - Flesh-eating demon.

Nāga - A half-snake creature that seeks souls of humans.

Bhūta - Ghost of a human who died.

Siren - A beautiful female creature that is part bird. Sings sailors into trances and then steals their souls.

Harpy - A beautiful female creature that is part-bird. Very Dangerous.

Charon - Taker of souls.

Nachzehrer - A vampire of mixed origins. Part Zombie. But more vampire.

Mephistopheles - A flying demon, looks human except with red skin and wings.

Lidérc - Small demon that can travel through time up to 24 hours. Mischeivous.

Yan-gant-y-tan - A male that is an omen of death. Normally depressed.

Rougarou - Werewolf that is peaceful, except when enraged by demons.

Les Lavandières - A female that determines when humans are going to die.

Gargouille - (Not to be confused with Gargoyle) Serpent-like river monster

Beast of Gevaudan - A man-eating wolf that is similar to the Black Dog

Vermillion Bird - A bird that brings fire.

White Tiger - A white tiger that commands ice.

Mogwai - Low-level demons that attack humans for food.

Tianghou - Related to the Black Dog, this creature brings darkness.

Luduan - A truth-seer creature that is somewhat Dragonic.

Jiang Shi - Reanimated corpses that suck human life force.

Huli Jing - A nine-tailed fox spirit that is neither good nor bad, but can go either way.

Fei Lian - Creature that controls wind.

Melusine - Mermaid-like creatures with Wings the inhabit Fresh waters

Wulver - A Werewolf that is peaceable when left alone, but stronger than the Canus Fenris.

Crocotta - Dog/Wolf-like monster that are the enemy of men and (strangely) dogs.

Afanc - Crocodile-like Water monster that eats humans.

Goblin - Gnome-like deformed phantom. (Love to gamble)

Wendigo - Spirits that eat humans. (Can also possess humans)

Muldjewangk - Large river monster that eats mermaids.

Bunyip - Lake Monster that is large enough to eat humans.

Mimi - Fairy-like creature, very beautiful, but dangerous hunters.

Imp- Devilish, normally tricky, demon.

Ogre/Ogress - Large, humanoid monster who are often confused to be seen eating "humans"

Witch/Warlock - Magical half-breeds that are part human, yet still supernatural. Use magic to conjure objects or element.

Wraith - An ghost, that is seen as a omen, that normally protects a human or other creature from danger.

Black Agnes (female only) - A witch with Iron Claws in her true form that normally eats the flesh of animals and people.

Black Dog - A large canine ghost figure that is seen as an omen that stands as tall as a large man, while on all fours.

Hobgoblin - Bogeyman-like creature that scares children.

Revenant - Ghostly zombie.

Owlman - A half-owl half-man that transforms into the owlman after dusk and haunts around churches.

Sceadugenga (Skow-due-jen-ga) : Shape-shifters that are neither alive nor dead.

Banshee - Singing fairy that is an omen of death.

Fuath (Foo-ah) - Water spirit.

Mandagot (Man-da-go) - shpae-shifting spirit.

The Alder King (male) - Hunter of the living in the forest, that brings humans to their death, by sucking their life force.

Doppelganger - The "copy-paste" monster. Doppelgangers have the ability to take the Face, frame, and body of a person and any special ability.

Drude - Dream Witch

Kobold - Shape-shifting sprite that can become invisible

Lindworm - in true form a half-human serpent

Ordog - An embodiment of evil.

Alastor - the "avenger" of familial bloodshed. Strong warrior spirit that moves very quickly.

Yeti - Feral creatures of the Himalayas.

Incubus (male) - The seductive monster, known to make people commit adultery

Succubus (female)- see Incubus

Werewolf (Canus Fenrir) - Very strong werewolf that transforms in moonlight

Werewolf (Canus Sapien) - Very fast werewolf that can phase in and out of moonlight

Vampire: One of the strongest creatures of the night that feed off life source in blood.





Affiliation: (Underground/Alliance)

Demon Type:



1 Character per Side


[spoiler=Member List]


[spoiler=Marcus "Bastien" Flint]

Age: 17 (though by appearence can vary)

Demon Type: Doppelganger

Bio: Marcus is a dedicated hunter of Underground Soldiers, minions of destruction. He has hunted them down ever since he learned of the presence in the city.

Pic: aidou-kun.jpg



Demon Type: Nāga

Bio: Kurai's family were murdered by those in the underground immediately after birth. After this terrible accourance, he was taken to the adoption center as Kage Enkou's parents walked in the adoption center.


[spoiler=Akira Nightwish]Age: 18

Demon Type: Harpy

Bio: Very cold and bitter since her parents were 'mysteriously' killed by a strange 'virus.' She believes that it was a mixture of odd drugs that counter-acted with each other in a negative way and killed her parents. The forensics officers say differently. She thinks that her loving father's and pregnant mother's death way caused by a certain demon, but she isn't sure who killed her parents, but believes it was something from the underground.

Pic: Anime_Girl_12715theAnimeGallerycom.jpg

[spoiler=Haru Shibuki]demon type:huli jing

bio:haru is determined to stop the evil demons of the underground ever since his parents were killed by a shinigami .Even thou hes been throu a lot he still manages to keep an upbeat aditude towards life.he is secretly in love with akira



[spoiler=Ranchi]Demon Type: Nāga

Bio: A legal man, but acts like a child, unless in a battle, he has harnessed a evil demons soul to work for good.

Pic: 1_00000-1.jpg

[spoiler=David]Age: 13

Demon Type: White Tiger

Bio: A simple man who is not very happy except when he uses his abilities.

Pic: I'll post one when I find one.




Age: Unknown

Demon Type: Elder Demon

Bio: --

Pic: blood-igiveyou.jpg


[spoiler=Kage Enkou]Age:19

Demon Type: Alastor

Bio: Kage Enkou has been lurking in the underground alone and un-seen by most because of his speed. Kage Enkou's family is dead except his brother who was adopted, and chose to join the alliance instead of sticking with his brother. His family was very old when he was born and his brotehr was adopted right before the parents easily died of old age.







[spoiler= NPC List] [spoiler=Alliance]

[spoiler= Underground] [spoiler= Celeste Mortgem]Age: 21

Demon Type: Succubus

Bio: Celeste was orphaned at a young age scarring her. She joined the Underground to have the power dreamed of, along with her power of ultimate control over men with direct eye contact.

Pic: etyhery.jpg




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Name: Kage Enkou


Affiliation: Underground

Demon Type: Alastor

Bio: Kage Enkou has been lurking in the underground alone and un-seen by most because of his speed. Kage Enkou's family is dead except his brother who was adopted, and chose to join the alliance instead of sticking with his brother. His family was very old when he was born and his brotehr was adopted right before the parents easily died of old age.





Affiliation: Alliance

Demon Type: Nāga

Bio: Kurai's family were murdered by those in the underground immediately after birth. After this terrible accourance, he was taken to the adoption center as Kage Enkou's parents walked in the adoption center.


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Name: Kage Enkou


Affiliation: Underground

Demon Type: Alastor

Bio: Kage Enkou has been lurking in the underground alone and un-seen by most because of his speed. Kage Enkou's family is dead except his brother who was adopted' date=' and chose to join the alliance instead of sticking with his brother. His family was very old when he was born and his brotehr was adopted right before the parents easily died of old age.





Affiliation: Alliance

Demon Type: Nāga

Bio: Kurai's family were murdered by those in the underground immediately after birth. After this terrible accourance, he was taken to the adoption center as Kage Enkou's parents walked in the adoption center.



Accepted. We need more members.

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Name: Akira Nightwish

Age: 18

Affiliation: Alliance.

Demon Type: Harpy

Bio: Very cold and bitter since her parents were 'mysteriously' killed by a strange 'virus.' She believes that it was a mixture of odd drugs that counter-acted with each other in a negative way and killed her parents. The forensics officers say differently. She thinks that her loving father's and pregnant mother's death way caused by a certain demon, but she isn't sure who killed her parents, but believes it was something from the underground.

Pic: Anime_Girl_12715theAnimeGallerycom.jpg

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Name: Akira Nightwish

Age: 18

Affiliation: Alliance.

Demon Type: Harpy

Bio: Very cold and bitter since her parents were 'mysteriously' killed by a strange 'virus.' She believes that it was a mixture of odd drugs that counter-acted with each other in a negative way and killed her parents. The forensics officers say differently. She thinks that her loving father's and pregnant mother's death way caused by a certain demon' date=' but she isn't sure who killed her parents, but believes it was something from the underground.

Pic: [img']http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m277/impheatus_ss/anime/Anime_Girl_12715theAnimeGallerycom.jpg[/img]



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name:haru shibuki



demon type:huli jing

bio:haru is determined to stop the evil demons of the underground ever since his parents were killed by a shinigami .Even thou hes been throu a lot he still manages to keep an upbeat aditude towards life.he is secretly in love with akira




Not accepted. There was a list to choose from...

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name:haru shibuki



demon type:huli jing

bio:haru is determined to stop the evil demons of the underground ever since his parents were killed by a shinigami .Even thou hes been throu a lot he still manages to keep an upbeat aditude towards life.he is secretly in love with akira





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name:haru shibuki



demon type:huli jing

bio:haru is determined to stop the evil demons of the underground ever since his parents were killed by a shinigami .Even thou hes been throu a lot he still manages to keep an upbeat aditude towards life.he is secretly in love with akira








Age: 17

Affiliation: Aliance (good isn't it)

Demon Type: Nāga

Bio: A legal man' date=' but acts like a child, unless in a battle, he has harnessed a evil demons soul to work for good.

Pic: [img']http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk23/bule999/1_00000-1.jpg[/img]

sorry if the pics too small



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Name: David

Age: 13

Affiliation: Alliance

Demon Type: White Tiger

Bio: A simple man who is not very happy except when he uses his abilities.

Pic: I'll post one when I find one. =P

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Wait...so am I accepted? =P


It's fine if I'm not.


EDIT: I didn't see that you edited your post. Thanks. It may take a few hours to come because I am kinds sick right now so I need to rest. :/

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Marcus sat in an empty warehouse, shifting around uncomfortably in his seat. It was Halloween night and he was having a huge party. "Where are those guests?"


He shifted again. He got up when he heard a knock on the door, answering it. A white haired boy, who looked around his age stood there waiting. He flicked up a piece of paper and flung it through a mailslot on the door.


"I was invited. My name is Virgil Hayes," he said.

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((Oh, okay. I didn't really know since that was my first RP post. I looked over the rules and stickies but didn't see anything, so I just assumed...))


As David was arriving to to Marcus' party he had remembered he had left a bottle of wine at home and went back home to get his wine for the party. When he arrived home everything he has was gone. His TV, sofa, coffee table, chairs, everything. There was a note. It said "You have been robbed. If you want to see your things ever again, DO NOT go to Marcus' party. If you go, bad things w-" the note was ripped.

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haru sat there waveing to akiza only to get the usial cold glare,"geez she could at least say hi" siad haru,haru got up and walked over to where he kept his katana(samurai sword).it had been given to him by his older brother the day before he died. "man i miss you bro,you to mom and dad"said haru."man i need to stop talking to my self".he picked up his katana and began to train as he did everyday

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Marcus let Virgil in, though he had no idea how he got the invitation. Virgil was a social outcast at school and Marcus was one of the bigswingers. He looked around, noticing the David hadn't arrived. He picked up a phone, quickly tapping in his number.


"David?" Marcus said.


Virgil entered, grabbing a bottle of champagne sitting on the bar. "No occasion."


He broke the neck of the bottle open fountaining it down his mouth. he looked at the bartender, a fifteen-year-old girl. "Anything stronger?"

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David took his cell phone out of his pocket. He saw Marcus was calling. He said "Hey, Marcus, don't talk right now. Just listen. I was robbed and everything I own is gone. I came back to the house to get some wine for the party and noticed everything was gone. Except a note. The note said not to go to your party or 'bad things' then it ended. It was torn off for some reason. I'm sorry, but I can't come over. I'm going to have to rent a hotel for the night. I'm very sorry."

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