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(Ace?) Monster for a new Archetype

Radiant F.U.R.Y.™

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This monster is the first card of my new "Cemeterian" Archetype. The effects of the monsters in this archetype will revolve around the monsters being sent immediately t the Graveyard when they are summoned and having secondary effects that trigger in the Graveyard.

For those of you who notice that this card requires a cemeterian tuner, please dont tell me... I already know. This is just a sample of what's to come.

So, without further delay, I present you with...


[spoiler=Effect]This card can only be Special Summoned by Synchro Summon. When this card is Summoned, destroy this card and Special Summon monsters from your Graveyard whose total Level Stars equal 9 or less in Attack Position. Monsters Summoned this way have their effects negated. As long as this card is in your Graveyard, when a monster you control is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, your opponent loses Life Points equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.


I hope you like it! Rate/Comment!!!!

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for the first effect, basically you're saying you can special summon as many monsters from the graveyard as we want, as long as their combined lvs is 9 or lower right?


If so, that's a little WAY too powerful. Yes their effects are negated, but you didn't say they can't be used for tribute or synchro summons.


Plus the last effect makes it OPed anyway. Say you special summon 3 lv3 monsters when your sychron card is destroyed, then you destroy those 3 yourself (like via Torrential Tribute or something), you can easily burn your opponent for 2700 damage



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Nice effect but the only thing is when its summoned, so you could Synchro Summon it BANG it goes to the Graveyard 1-3 monsters play something like Premature Burial, Monster Reborn, Call of the Haunted which every one isnt band that month lol. Once again BANG and another 1-3 monsters on the field and with the back-up effect of when they are destroyed your opponent takes ATK points of that monster that could be a very very powerful effect. Maybe the first effect should only work when its Synchro Summoned, either that or hae it so it cant be Special Summoned from your Graveyard...that way at least it limits where it can be summonend from if you get what I mean. Other then that cool pic and nice simple name like it 8.5/10 Good Stuff!!

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